Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Teamleader (Sub Component) Public Finance Management - Devex

Teamleader (Sub-Component) Public Finance Management


Country of assignment and location

?Afghanistan, Kabul


Project / Field of activity

GIZ International Services will participate in a tender of AusAID for providing services for the Development Assistance Facility for Afghanistan Phase III (DAFA III). The goal of the Development Assistance Facility for Afghanistan Phase III is to provide practical, focused assistance to support reconstruction efforts in Uruzgan Province, and to build the capacity of six Afghan partner ministries; the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development; the Ministry of Education; the Ministry of Public Health; the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, the Ministry of Mines, and the Ministry of Finance, as well as the private and civil society sectors of Afghanistan. Assistance delivery will include scholarships programs, placement of technical assistance.


In the context of the DAFA project and in order to help address the Government of Afghanistan?s budget execution challenges, Australia has developed a Public Financial Management (PFM) Program with three components targeted towards specific causes of low development budget execution in Afghanistan:


Component 1: A bilateral program of Technical Assistance (TA) to key service ministries to build capacity for program design and implementation, financial and procurement planning, budget execution monitoring and reporting.

Component 2: Provision of training and TA to Government directorates in Uruzgan. The component will build on existing regional institutions supporting provincial budgeting.

Component 3: Support to the World Bank?s new program of financial and TA to improve procurement procedures and processes. Australia?s engagement will go beyond a straight financial contribution, and will include active engagement and close monitoring of the program?s implementation.


To address the Government of Afghanistan?s budget execution issues, under Sub-Component 1 of the Afghanistan PFM Program, Australia will provide assistance and support to four beneficiary ministries: the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Public Works. ?Each of the four Ministries will be supported by three National Advisers: (i) Financial Planning Adviser, (ii) Budget Execution Monitoring and Reporting Adviser and (iii) Project Design Adviser. The national advisers will support targeted Line Ministries in project planning and design, developing annual implementation plans (including procurement and financial plans), streamlining administrative and financial procedures, and strengthening budget execution analysis and monitoring functions.


?Your responsibilities and tasks


The Team Leader of Sub-Component 1 will be embedded in the Ministry of Finance, office of the Director General Budget. She/he will be responsible for managing, supervising and coordinating the activities of all national and international advisers embedded in the targeted Line Ministries and Ministry of Finance. Team Leader will bring international best practice in the public finance management area to the Team.


International Adviser, performing role of the Sub-Component Team Leader will have the following primary duties and responsibilities:

  • Ensuring the technical delivery of the capacity building activities under Sub-Component 1 of the PFM Program.
  • Working with team members (Budget Execution Experts and National Advisers in Line Ministries) to develop their workplans.
  • Technical management and leadership of all advisers.
  • Holding advisers to account for their progress against these workplans.
  • Providing technical PFM advice to the Deputy Minister, Finance and the Director General for Budgets.
  • Ensure coordination with the existing DFID-funded project within the Ministry of Finance, Budget Department.
  • Ensure coordination with any project providing PFM assistance in the targeted line ministries.


Required Skills and Experience:


  • Bachelor?s or Master Degree in Economics, Finance or related field, with at least ten years international experience in the field of public finance management - budget preparation, execution and reporting.
  • Excellent understanding of public financial management in general and of the budgeting process in particular, generally and in the Afghanistan context.
  • Proven ability to develop budget policy, legal instruments, circulars and guidance to line ministries and provincial administrations in budget formulation and execution process.
  • A good knowledge of Afghanistan governance structure and of provincial governance issues.
  • Experience in working with the Government agencies, donors, NGOs and United Nations.
  • Demonstrated experience of institutional capacity building, skills transfer, and mentoring and training of national staff with sustainable results.
  • Excellent communication, management and leadership skills.
  • Strong computer and technical skills.




He/ she will be based in Kabul, full-time from July 2012 to June 2015.


Application deadline




Apply now:




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