Thursday, February 16, 2012

Federal Budget Plan Includes Aviation User Fees | Little Jet Charter

The Obama administration?s 2013 budget proposal, released on Monday, includes a fee of $100 per flight for some general aviation aircraft, which drew a quick response from GA advocacy groups. AOPA, the National Business Aviation Association, the General Aviation Manufacturers Association, and EAA all protested the plan. The proposal exempts all piston aircraft, military and public aircraft, air ambulances, aircraft operating outside controlled airspace, and flights that begin and end in Canada. Nonetheless, ?AOPA finds little solace [in the piston exemption],? said AOPA President Craig Fuller. ?In nations where user fees have been introduced, the fees have grown.? However, in the bigger election-year picture, the proposal may not get far, anyway.

Federal Budget Plan Includes Aviation User Fees is a post from: Small Jet Charter

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