Friday, February 3, 2012

Asian Roach Pest Control In Ocala | Articles Effect

Roaches hate the light and prefer to live in dark moist places. The asian roach however has no such tendencies. This small german roach look alike will actually fly towards light presumably to look for food or shelter. While it does need moisture and you can find them most often in leaf piles darting in and out of the debris. It?s not uncommon to find them in the grass, on the side of a building or even in a vehicle where the widow was rolled down. Not a native to Ocala, this pest was barely mentioned by the agricultural department for years even though pest control professionals had been clamoring for answers about the new roach. Its numbers now however have the full attention of the state and pest control efforts in Ocala are in full swing.

The asian roach is almost a mirror image of the dreaded german roach. They are the same size and coloring except for the stripes found on the pronotum. Asian roach stripes are darker than that of the german roach but even that can vary as color schemes often do in nature. Pest control workers sometime misidentify the asian roach and concentrate their efforts as if it were a german roach job. This mistake is usually caught quickly once they see the obvious patterns of the asian roach but this illustrates just how closely the two insects resemble each other.

The fact is that observing the roach will be your best bet in identification. The german roach is a very poor flier while the asian roach can pick up and zoom off very quickly. Also as mentioned, the asian roach has no problem with sunshine or lights. They are even attracted to street lights or that from a window in your home. At times the roach doesn?t cooperate and may be found in a kitchen. The pest control operator might automatically assume this to be a german roach and begin a treatment geared for that type. It usually only takes a few minutes however and the tech will pick up the facts of what they?re dealing with and change his strategy right away.

Treatments were hit or miss in Ocala when the asian roach first burst onto the scene. Outdoor german roaches was the thinking and this was so contrary to what has been understood for years. Once we found out some specific habits, we were able to perform better pest control for Ocala?s newest resident. As it turns out the asian roach can be most often found in leaves. Pick any pile in Ocala and you?ll find the asian roach. Exterior pesticides and baiting of theses area works fairly well but the absolute best method to date is the rake. Raking the leaves away from the home keeps the asian roach problem to a minimum and removal or burning the piles is even better. Without the leaves asian roaches tend to move on and the problem is solved rather quickly.

The asian roach has only been noted in the Ocala area for about a decade but was never considered a serious problem. Even pest control technicians now breathe a sigh of relief when they discover it?s an asian roach in your home and not the german variety. He knows that with some exterior treatment he can be effective and if the customer can rake the leaves up as prescribed the infestation level will go down almost over night. As time goes on newer treatments and plans will be improved for Ocala?s newest roach but for now the tool of choice is a rake and some elbow grease and that is your Ocala asian roach pest control.

need help with asian roach pest control in Ocala? Find out more about this relative new comer to the Ocala pest control scene.


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