Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fitness Compound Introduces 3 Key Ingredients for Fighting ...

Fitness Compound Introduces 3 Key Ingredients for Fighting Childhood Obesity Through New Revolutionary Program

Kids Having Fun With Rock Climbing Wall

Santa Clarita, California (PRWEB) August 29, 2012

The problem according to Jeff Cohen, Co-Owner of the Fitness Compound is:

?More than one third of children and adolescents are currently overweight or obese in the US. It is an epidemic and over the past 30 years, childhood obesity has more than tripled.?

The Solution:

?Kids Have Fun, Lose Weight and Improve Self-Esteem at The Fitness Compound in Santa Clarita California?, according to Mr. Cohen.

The Fitness Compound is introducing innovative programming to attack childhood obesity head on. The programs are designed so kids have fun, lose weight and feel better about themselves? 3 key ingredients to lasting results.

Fitness Specific Programs for Kids:

Get moving and get active ? these programs focus on getting kids active while having fun. Kids get moving with exciting music and experience improved flexibility, stamina and an increased metabolism.


Hip Hop


They also have:

Martial Arts Programs for Kids

The ultimate experience as kids learn self-defense, build confidence and experience a full body workout. Their expert martial arts instructors offer a full range of martial arts curriculum. Whether you want a structured program with belts and testing for your child or just want them to have fun and get a workout, in a less structured setting, they seem to have put the fun in the martial arts programs for kids.

Kung Fu



The Fitness Compound has what they call the Ultimate Family Gym Experience

While the kids are having fun and getting fit, so will the parents, ?family fun is what we call it here at the Fitness Compound? said Mr. Cohen. The Fitness Compound caters to developing HEALTHY FAMILIES? with over 400 classes a month for all skill levels and all ages 5+ . Your entire family can spend precious time together and focus on what they enjoy. Classes include Kickboxing, KravMaga, Zumba Toning, Zumba Sentao, TRX, Boxing, MMA, Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Cycle and Couch to the Beach ? an intense workout guaranteed to shed fat, tone your entire body and get you into ?beach shape? in no time! I also understand they have the only rock climbing wall for strength training in the area!

Mr. Cohen had this to say concerning the current epidemic:

?Over the past 30 years, childhood obesity has more than tripled. More than one third of children and adolescents are currently overweight or obese in the US. It?s reached epidemic proportions and the health consequences are immense.

People were significantly more active in the past. Children walked to school, participated in gym class and played outside for hours before dinner. Meals were typically home cooked with reasonable portion sizes and included fruits and vegetables. Fast food was rare as was snacking between meals.

Today, kids get a ride to school, physical education and after-school sports have been cut, afternoons are spent playing video games or surfing online. The average 18 year old spends 7.5 hours a day using a TV, computer, video game or cell phone. Parents work more to make ends meet and families eat fewer home-cooked meals with far larger portion sizes. Caloric intake has risen by 31% from forty years ago ? over half from fats and oils. Sweetened beverages have increased in portion size to an average of 20 ounces and the average American ingests 15 extra pounds of sugar than forty years ago.

According to Jeff Cohen, Co-Owner of the Fitness Compound Santa Clarita, Childhood obesity causes a myriad of immediate health effects, as quoted from including:

Obese youth are more at risk to develop cardiovascular disease such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure

Obese adolescents are more likely to have pre-diabetes

Greater risk for bone and joint problems and sleep apnea

Social and psychological problems such as poor self-esteem, ostracism and bullying

The long-term health effects are chilling:

Children and adolescents who are obese are likely to be obese adults and therefore suffer from heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and osteoarthritis.

Several cancers are associated with obesity including breast, colon, kidney, pancreas, thyroid, ovary,cervix, prostate as well as multiple melanoma and Hodgkin?s lymphoma.?

Children who are obese as early as age 2 are more likely to become obese adults. It?s reached epidemic proportions. ?These are the main reasons why we have created the programs we have, For The Kids.?

Mr. Cohen said he would be happy to share his Fun Formula to any fitness club in America who has a desire to reach out to the youth of this country. He can be contacted at:

Fitness Compound Santa Clarita

18655 Soledad Canyon Road

Santa Clarita, CA 91351


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