Thursday, September 6, 2012

Natalie Anderson: "Ladie's a Plate" - having a tea party with reviewer ...

?One of the most fun things about going to romance writing/reading conferences is the social aspect. Sure the workshops and plenary session are interesting, but the dinners and drinks and room parties are the really good bits :)
I missed conference this year (boo!) so I've decided we should go ahead and have a party right here and now - a comfy catch-up over yum food and drink :) I love getting to know the readers who get in touch with me and the reviewers who love romance. Here in New Zealand we have an expression 'Ladies, a plate!' - which basically means when we're all going to get together for a picnic arvo tea somewhere pretty and sunny, bring a plate of finger food and we'll all share.?
I do like sharing :)
So, I thought it'd be fun to have an afternoon tea here on the blog - and get to know some of the peeps I chat to on the 'net a bit better. PLUS, many of you are in spots all around the world and so I figured you'd have really yummy different treats that you'd usually take - how's that for win/win ;) Nothing better than learning a recipe from somewhere else in the world, right? When I travelled round Europe in my early twenties I grabbed a cookbook for every country (if I could find one in English!) - I still love looking at them!

Anyway, first up is Sara from Harlequin Junkie! Thanks so much for coming and sharing a treat with us today Sara, it's so nice to have you here! :) Natalie thanks for inviting me to Ladies a Plate to talk romance novels ? I?ve brought along some delicious ?Banana split cake? and ?chocolate Martini to wash it down with of course ;) For those of you who don?t know me, I?m Sara and I blog about romance novels on my blog HarlequinJunkie, I am a big fan of Natalie?s Harlequin?s so being invited here was a big deal to me *fan girl moment*, though I tried to play it cool when Natalie extended the invitation J I read my very first romance novel ?Love?s Tangled Web? by Mary Lyons as a young teenager and it was the start of my lifelong love affair with category romances that has spanned over two decades and still going strong. I will admit, I?m shamelessly addicted to reading category romances; they provide me escapism from my number crunching day job in Finance like nothing else can. To me there is no better way to unwind than sitting down with a good romance novel where the focus is solely on the hero, heroine, their relationship, and a guaranteed HEA with none of the other bells and whistles. I?m a voracious reader; I read a book a day, sometimes two, which doesn?t leave me too much time for baking ? Blogger I am, domestic goddess I am not, but you wouldn?t know that from eating my delicious ?Banana Split cake?. The magic words here are ?No baking? and ?simple?. One of my girlfriends shared this recipe with me and I have used it time and again?today I?m more than happy to pass it along to all the other undomestic goddess out here J Do give this recipe a try and let me know how it turns out, it is finger licking good if I may say so myself ?:)?? Natalie it was a pleasure to hang out with you today! Follow Sara on Twitter?(@HarlequinJunkie) Banana Split Cake 2 cups graham cracker crumbs Melt butter and mix with crumbs. Press firmly into 9 x 13 inch pan. Refrigerate 2 hrs 1/2 cup butter (room temperature) Beat ingredients above until smooth. Spread over crust. Slice 3 medium bananas on top and spread 1 large can crushed pineapple Top with 1 large container of Cool Whip, cherries, chocolate sauce, nuts.... (photo courtesy ? food network) Chocolate Martini (1 serving)

OMG Sara - this all sounds DELICIOUS!!!!! Now, for translation purposes, I'm thinking 'Cool Whip' is whipped cream in a can??? I love pineapple - is my fave fruit tied with raspberry. YUMMO!!!

And do you know I've heard all this interwebby talk about chocolate martinis but I've never actually had one... I"m so going to have to rectify that situation PRONTO! Esp now I know what to put in it!

Thanks so much for being here today and sharing with us :)

And don't forget to read all about RIVA hottie-hero?ETHAN in the post below and enter the comp to win him and two other gorgeous dudes ;) PLUS you can find out some more ?on Ethan over at Ally Blake's blog today...


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