Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Integrating Google Adwords, Analytics and Salesforce's Group Edition

Enterprise IT ISVs with a business plan to calls for a meaningful online marketing effort ought to consider empowering marketing teams with an integrated toolkit comprised of:

  • Organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools
  • Google Adwords & Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Google Analytics and
  • a Salesforce Group Subscription

We think the combination of these online marketing tools, when implemented skilfully, can provide enterprise IT ISVs with a rapid method of asserting control over online lead generation efforts. In fact, we are in the process, presently, of elevating our own internal capabilities with regards to Google Adwords and plan on presenting additional information on our view of useful applications for Adwords as appropriate.

Our recent interest in developing more capabilities with Google Adwords, for which we expressed considerable past skepticism, is driven by our realization that online activities have become so prevalent for our clients and their prospects as a means of driving engagement, that simply ignoring fee-based opportunities to promote products/services/integrated solutions no longer makes sense. We have recently developed greater confidence that carefully managed online advertising campaigns, within the context of a comprehensive lead generation program, can produce useful results.

The key, for us, is designing and applying a lead scoring system to online engagement opportunities in order to measure the relative usefulness of leads as well as the financial cost of producing them. Simply buying ads on Google, or on sites on the Google Display network without a method like the Salesforce Group subscription (which can be integrated with Adwords to seamlessly input leads into a business? CRM) does not make sense. As well, it makes little sense to us to implement online advertising and CRM integration without the kind of web site visitor performance data that can be extracted from Google Analytics.

Therefore, an integrated solution that can provide life cycle information about leads, from the time that a visit to a web site is converted to an enagagement opportunity and, subsequently, the history of conversations that follow is precisely the type of method that we think enterprise IT ISVs ought to implement. The data produced by this method can be used to substantially reduce the cost of online marketing by pointing out efficient and inefficient lead generation campaigns. As well, this method will expose the keywords leading visitors to web sites and, thereby, open an opportunity for marketing communications efforts to enhance the relevance of online promotional collateral as a means of narrowing the gap between targeted keywords and those keywords that actually produce visits (and conversions of visits to engagement).

If you cannot afford to waste any more time mishandling online promotional opportunities for your software business, please contact IMB Enterprises, Inc. We look forward to collaborate with enterprise IT ISVs that face an imperative to change online sales and marketing methods to successfully align with their markets. Please call Ira Michael Blonder at +1 631-673-2929 to further a discussion about our retained search services. You may also email Ira at

? IMB Enterprises, Inc. & Ira Michael Blonder, 2012 All Rights Reserved


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