Friday, May 27, 2011

Corporate Gifts for the Holidays - Get in the Spirit of Creativity

When the major holidays roll around you have the perfect opportunity to get your company logo or contact details in front of a much wider audience. This is especially true during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season when everyone is in the gift giving mood. Yet, there are some fun ways to turn any holiday into a festive time that puts others in a positive mood to accept your gifts and really appreciate and use them.

Imagine someone standing on the side of a busy sidewalk with a large cardboard box of refrigerator magnets. They are handing these out to everyone that passes by and people are shoving them in their pockets or maybe even dropping them in a nearby trash can without much of a glance down at them.

Now imagine someone else with the same refrigerator magnets and some other small gifts standing in the busy lobby of a business behind a table. They have a series of cups placed face-down on the table and the magnets and other small gifts are underneath some of those cups. People passing through are encouraged to turn over a cup and see what they find. It becomes a game where only the select few get to take home the gifts.

Which of these gift givers will probably get the most response from their efforts? It's not hard to guess that the gift giver who makes it a game and turns the prizes into something only a select few will be lucky to get will create more buzz about their gifts. They put their recipients in a good mood before delivering the gift, so they have a different approach to receiving them. This is why this method of delivery is more effective even when the gift is simply a refrigerator magnet.

Now, it would be even better if that refrigerator magnet had a humorous picture and funny slogan that would get everyone in that office setting excited to go find one under the cups themselves. Humor is always a nice touch when you are trying to create buzz around a product. It doesn't matter if the product is a very simple corporate gift that you want to heavily distribute for possible word-of-mouth advertising.

Put some humor into your corporate gifts and you will find people willing to look at them and even more willing to talk about them with other people. If the gift can then be delivered in an entertaining manner rather than just handed out to whoever happens to wander by a particular spot, then some great results can come from the simplest, cheapest corporate gifts.

All of this ties very well into the holidays because people are already in a gift-giving and receiving mood. They are eager to collect even the smallest gifts and may often pass corporate gifts on to others in their own gift giving. There is a general spirit for gift-giving and that pays off for someone handing out corporate gifts.

Think of ways to blend those corporate gifts into office holiday parties and other events going on within the company. Create games or contests within the office with corporate gifts that everyone wants presented as the awards. Have contests with customers so they get involved and really want your corporate gifts. Anything is possible with a bit of creativity during the holidays.


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