Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Anxiety panic attacks and phobias

The type of anxiety attacks or panic is a common reaction when people believe that their physical or mental well-being threatened, and create is a normal reaction to stress. However, stress and anxiety for the existence of specific anxiety disorders, which considers not considered part of the normal reaction to stress.

These disorders include phobias and post traumatic stress disorder. Knowledge of these disorders and theirEtiology is important because they are relatively common, and invasive clinical procedures can be used to trigger them.

Anxiety and panic attacks can be as arachnophobia too many phobias like (fear of spiders), which produce high levels of anxiety when in the vicinity of the phobia.

For example, people who suffer from claustrophobia (from the Greek word for fear marketplaces) are typically very anxious and panicky when theyin public places such as supermarkets and buses.

This fear leads attached to the end, the persons to go to a safe place for the reduction of anxiety or panic attacks, anxiety cocoon.

While there are numerous theories that attempt to explain the behavior, such as phobias develop the most accepted theory is based, or learn.

According to this school of thought phobia develops when an insane fear of closing with a combined frontunusual or traumatic event that trauma that significant fear, pain, nausea, or causes

At 17 I suffered my first panic attack. As one of the scariest moments in my life has been, is the only thing I was, through the head call for an ambulance. After several incidents, I searched the Internet to search for solutions.


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