Sunday, August 12, 2012

Linkin Park met with US Dept. of State - Music Industry Newswire

Linkin Park met with US Dept. of State and Energy on Access to Energy: Music for Relief efforts

Linkin Park at UN - 2011 - credit: linkinpark.comWASHINGTON, D.C. /Music Industry Newswire/ ? Members of the Grammy(R)-winning rock band Linkin Park met with U.S. Ambassador Carlos Pascual, Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs, and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Energy Rick Duke this week to discuss efforts to provide access to modern energy to the more than 1.3 billion people currently without access to electricity.

Along with representatives of the private sector and non-governmental organizations, participants discussed United States Government programs to expand access to electricity, including commitments made to the UN Secretary-General?s Sustainable Energy for All initiative (SE4All) and Connecting the Americas 2022, which was launched at the Sixth Summit of the Americas.

Linkin Park described their efforts to support energy access for all through their Power the World initiative and the non-profit Music for Relief. The band expressed their commitment to supporting and inspiring efforts at international development, disaster relief, and particularly, energy access.

Other participants in the meeting included staff of the United Nations Foundation, Music for Relief, and private sector leaders. The meeting took place at the Department of State?s Harry S Truman Building.

About Christopher Laird Simmons

Christopher Simmons has been writing about music since 1984 when he sold his first feature to Polyphony (now Electronic Musician) magazine. He has composed music for two TV cable shows, is a member of ASCAP and PRSA, and is the managing editor for Music Industry Newswire(TM), as well as the CEO of Neotrope(R) Entertainment. His 80s music can be found on iTunes, Amazon, and CDBaby, among others. He played in several electronica bands in the '80s, and currently tries to find time to play with his studio gear. He is also an award winning graphic designer, photographer, author of one book "Fractopia," and has created digital art for numerous national magazines. ? Christopher Laird Simmons. More at: .

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Tags: Linkin Park, Music for Relief, Power the World

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