Tuesday, August 28, 2012

5 Tips To Earn More Money Through Affiliate Marketing | World ...

Article by Patrick Victor

Great Tips To Earn you at List 300% of Your Investment From Affiliate Market It will help you a lot if you use this 5 great tips am about to tell you so you could earn more

Take this very truth about affiliate, when you start with real affiliate program you are not expected to pay a dime upfront as charges, but yet you can make more money than that of any physical business that greats. To be very honest the only thing any one needs to make a living online as an affiliate marketer is desire, focus and the ability to apply proven marketing strategies that are already working great for other affiliates.5 Great Affiliate Tips To Earn More money are

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Tip #1: Research You must find a hot targeted market:- before you promote any affiliate products or services its important to find good products that reward well and will never tell you cock and bull stores.

So many affiliates try and promote products or services without researching the market first. It?s crazy but that?s what 95% of affiliate marketer?s do. So please, find a hungry market before trying to sell your choice of affiliate product or service, it will be so much easier in the long run and much more profitable if you could just heard to Amazon.com on the web page just type any keyword at the search be, maybe DOG FOOD look at he result, them check out the customer who bought the book, some other thing of book he bought and its reviews, such way you are one way to research.How do you find out more where the hot target markets are in the second place? Go to Google.com and type in you phrase into the Google bar like this DOG FOOD after that type it again quite ?DOG FOOD? to narrow the research down it will be in the first few results you see listed. Use this free tool good keywords.comExample keywords I would search for; affiliate, affiliate marketing, affiliate marketer, affiliate tips I?d put any of these terms into the ?Google keyword Research Tool? and it would bring back a list of related keywords and the results on these search terms to date.

Find out how many people search for any specific search term in a month, locally and globally. If you use this tool for your research I advice you promote the keywords that are medium and low to get more result because of competitors, the high means there are so much competitors.

Another place to do research is Click bank, Cb engine and Cb trends If you are intending to sell information products, check out the ?Click Bank Marketplace?, it is the largest online marketplace for digital information products. You will need to create a free account but before them you will be able to check out what niche products are hot sellers at the moment.To find out the hot sellers at the moment you search through each category in the marketplace and choose to view products in order of gravity ?grav and %refd? as a general rule products with gravity of 50 and above are considered profitable at the moment. The higher the gravity the better. But you can also use other paid keyword tools like. ad word analyzer, keyword elite

Tip #2: Using free blogs If you are new to internet and wish to make both end meet from being an affiliate then go the way of blogger and word press.com just give it a trial, this are free and convenient thy rank well on search engine.If you don?t know how to use blogger just open Google on the search bar type How to use blogger.com or how to create blogger account. That is how I started, read, research and applied, then in few days from now if you are serious to making some extra income as an affiliate them you will see some come into your pocket.

Tip #3: Bum marketing with affiliate link marketing with your affiliate link, this mean that you write some great article and put your affiliate ID or call it affiliate URL which was assigned to you at registration or at the time you choose the product which you are convince and want to sale.Affiliate links are not beautiful, so try your best to use a forwarding service to make your ID better or its better to register a domain name and forward the ID to your domain name from your domain registrar .

Tip #4: Create a squeeze page Create a squeeze page or optin page to gather leads and build a mailing list of your own in your chosen niche.This is probably the most important step that new affiliate marketers don?t do. Most find a great product to market, it has a great sales page promoting a great product and many new affiliates promote the direct link to the affiliate sales page. This is really crazy, these affiliates are leaving money on the table and missing out on thousands of future dollars.By creating a simple squeeze page related to their intended promotion, affiliates can gather leads and build their own mailing lists. By doing this affiliates are building a list of people interested in a specific niche topic, in future they will be able to market to that list over and over again with related products or services.So what should affiliate marketers put on these squeeze pages or landing pages to gather leads?Well an example would be a free report, e-book or e-course related to the niche market they are targeting. Squeeze pages can be very basic and really don?t need to be anything else but that. Sure some are really fancy but some of the simplest can be the highest converting and that?s what counts at the end of the day, high converting squeeze pages, the higher the conversions the better.Start to build a swipe file for creating your own squeeze pages in the future. A swipe file is basically a collection of all your favorite squeeze pages saved to a folder on your computer, this could be book marked pages or links you have saved to a text file. You would then refer to these when creating squeeze pages in the future for Ideas. Over time this swipe file could become a product to share with others.

Tip #5: Build Good relationship Build relationships with those you meet online. As an affiliate marketer you must learn to build relationships online. Relationship is part of your online business building strategy. Help as many people as possible without wanting anything back. People will realize that you are not just after their money. As in real life it?s all about giving with one hand and receiving with the other hand that means give and take.Give at list 50% of the time as part of your marketing strategy. Give 70% to and Take 30%. That will still serve your effort if you do things well.Give free reports, free content, free information, free memberships, just share free stuff even if it?s not yours but the owner want you to share it, don?t forget, many of these free things are available through good affiliate programs to help with promotions and so even though you appear to be giving away lots of free stuff, you are still aligned to make more money at the end of the tunnel.

You can Earn More than 300% of Your Investment Read and Follow all Example show on every resource you get here free or paid, all depend on you ability to follow dully.

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Source: http://worldinternetsummitspeakers.com/blog/9817/5-tips-to-earn-more-money-through-affiliate-marketing/

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