Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Full psychologically preparation for adoption dogs you need

If you are really interested in adoption of stray dogs, but also need to do psychologically preparation for adoption dogs, not just providing accessories such as a soft dog bed or house.

Patience to correct their bad habits

The stray dogs are adult dogs, if you already have better excretory habits and lifestyle, the adopter will be very peace of mind in everyday parenting. But if the dog has had some bad habits, you need a certain amount of knowledge and patience; they can help the dog to establish regular good habits. For example, if the dog always defecates, you may use the dog diapers to train it with full patience.

Note that stray dogs which will take the initiative to attack human

Stray dogs is different from the dog kept in a normal family, they may have been abandoned by the owner, starved, expelled, the family dog attacks or the experience in battle with other stray dogs out of the need for self-protection, they may on a person or similar very wary, and some stray dogs will even take the initiative to attack humans. If you do not have enough courage or fear of injury, it is best to think clearly again adoptions or dog abandoned after being adopted will again soul injured.

Concern about the psychological problems of stray dogs

Some stray dogs will not attack humans and dogs, but have serious psychological problems, excessively timid, to evade the human touch, do not play with the same kind. The hearts of these stray dogs are more fragile and needs care and love put into them. You may often praise it by good words or wear it beautiful/cool dog clothes to build its confidence step by step.

Shall be responsible for dogs

Some people will be out of a whim and adopt stray dogs, but because of their economic capacity, or the family does not agree to adoption, and then lead to a lot of problems after adoption. For example, many students have a great love and a wish to adopt, but should know that dogs are lives, once adopted shall be responsible to them; students are often difficult to adhere to it.

Tip: If the dog takes the initiative to attack human, it is impossible to return to normal family. In fact, there may be some problems of stray dogs due to the different injury, their character, habits and other aspects. Adoption need to have certain psychologically prepared to adopt them, not only to give them a stable life by plenty of pet supplies, but also to accept their problem and to treat them with your love and patience. Adopt them the most basic requirement is that you shall be responsible for them, rather than their former masters, to abandon them, so let the dog healthy, happy here with you. Once you cure the heart hurts of the abandoned dogs, they will regard you as the only world, and will be much thankful for you.

About the Author

Free writer, what I write down is about the inner house decoration and daily life. Like traveling all round the world. Take a Glass Water Bottle where you go. Decorate your house with home decors, make your life more beautiful.

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