Saturday, August 27, 2011

Singapore to recount votes in president election (AP)

SINGAPORE ? Singapore will recount ballots cast in a presidential election because the top two candidates were within two percentage points, the election authority said early Sunday.

Former Deputy Prime Minister Tony Tan and former member of parliament Tan Cheng Bock have received the most votes, the Elections Department said in a statement. That would eliminate from contention the two other candidates, Tan Jee Say and Tan Kin Lian.

Results of the recount are expected within a few hours.

The election is seen as a referendum on the popularity of the Southeast Asian city-state's ruling party.

Analysts are closely watching the performance of Tony Tan, who was backed by most of the political establishment, as a barometer of voter discontent with the People's Action Party that has held power since 1959.

The PAP's vote total in parliamentary elections in May fell to 60 percent ? its lowest since Singapore split from Malaysia in 1965 ? amid a backlash against soaring housing prices, a surge in foreign workers and rising income inequality.

The election was the first contested vote for president since 1993.

The presidency is largely a ceremonial position in Singapore's parliamentary government. Singapore's constitution allows the president to veto the use of the country's reserves and some public office appointments, but doesn't give the post any executive authority.

Tan Cheng Bock was a PAP member of parliament from 1980 to 2006, but said during the campaign that he would put the interests of the country above those of the party and speak out if the government makes a mistake.

Current President S.R. Nathan, who won two six-year terms unopposed, consulted with the prime minister and Cabinet in private but avoided public comment on government policy. Tony Tan and government spokesmen have sought in recent weeks to quell calls for an expanded role for the president.

Until last month, Tony Tan was executive director of sovereign wealth fund Government of Singapore Investment Corp. and chairman of media company Singapore Press Holdings.


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