Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How to Be Successful at Business Networking Events - NWYC Careers

business networkingNetworking events can be great opportunities for you to advance in the business world ? if you do it correctly. We?ve compiled a list of tips for you to make the most of networking opportunities.

Before an Event:

Outline your goals. What do you hope to accomplish at this specific networking event? Some examples could include introducing yourself to 10 new people or finding a new volunteer opportunity.

Get organized. You?ll want to bring business cards and a pen. If you?re currently unemployed, you should bring a card with your area of expertise (as opposed to a job title and company on a traditional business card) and contact information. It?s much easier to swap contact information with people if you?re not constantly writing it down for them ? especially if you have less than legible handwriting.

At an Event:

Show up early. If you arrive late, the people you want to connect with the most may already be engrossed in conversation. For those present at the beginning of the event, it?s much easier to approach people for the simple reason that fewer people are there and talking to one another.

Tell people what you can do to help them. You?re trying to build a two-way relationship, which means you shouldn?t go into a networking event trying to figure out what other attendees can do for you. What do you bring to the table? If you are offering a something of value, others will be much more likely to reciprocate. Which brings us to the next point?

Have real conversations. Don?t speak to people in jargon. If someone asks you what you do, and you respond to them in a way that they totally don?t understand, they might not be interested in continuing to talk to you. Think about it ? isn?t it frustrating to have to decipher what someone is saying? Don?t speak in code, and don?t use buzzwords.

Know when to stop talking. At a networking event, listening is just as important (if not more important) than talking. Additionally, some people will want to have long conversations with you. Some might not. If you?re getting signals that the person you?re speaking with is uninterested, it?s best to exit the conversation gracefully.

After an Event:

Connect on LinkedIn. For those people you?re very interested in following up with, LinkedIn may be the best post-event contact method. Send a polite message with your contact request ? you enjoyed meeting them and you?d love to meet up sometime to talk more about whatever you talked about.

Send emails. Sending emails is also a good way to follow up with those you met at the event. Don?t wait too long to do this ? after a few days, the person?s memory of you will grow fuzzier and fuzzier. Even if you?re not that interested in continuing to work with a specific person, it?s still good for your business reputation to thank them for speaking with you.

Do you have any tips for business networking? Leave us a comment to let us know!

Source: http://www.nwyc-careers.com/how-to-be-successful-at-business-networking-events/

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