Monday, June 20, 2011

Climate and Energy News Roundup June 19th | Watts Up With That?

Restoring the Scientific Method is the theme of the Sixth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-6), Sponsored by the Heartland Institute. It will take place in Washington, DC from breakfast Thursday, June 30, to noon Friday, July 1, at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. This event will be more modest than in the past, yet as informative and, perhaps, even more challenging to the orthodoxy.

Senator James Inhofe is the Keynote Speaker at the Thursday breakfast. Senator Inhofe, probably more than anyone, prevented the US Senate from adopting cap-and-trade. Other principal speakers include S. Fred Singer, Craig Idso, and Bob Carter ? all major contributors to the NIPCC reports. Of course, SEPP is a co-sponsor. For the program please see:

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Quote of the Week:
?To point to this [a quiet sun] as something that could in any way ameliorate greenhouse gas warming is folly, said [Michael] Mann.? [H/t Wired Science]
?In the coming years the sun will show by itself how important it is.? Hendrik Svensmark [H/t The Hockey Schtick]

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Number of the Week: 3

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By Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

A number of events occurred this week that increases the turmoil surrounding climate science.

American Meteorological Society: Noted hurricane expert and a member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) for over 50 years, Bill Gray, blasted the current, ideologically driven leadership of the AMS for embracing the human-caused global warming (AGW) hypothesis espoused by the UN Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change. According to Gray, the leadership did so without considering the views of many expert members of the society who do not embrace that view. The AMS failed its responsibilities to facilitate the scientific debate. Instead, the leadership adopted one side of a scientific issue without regard for its traditions of fostering scientific inquiry. As such, the effectiveness of the AMS has been greatly compromised.

Gray states two specific failings of the IPCC and its models which the AMS has embraced. One is that the upper troposphere water vapor feedback loop is grossly wrong. The models fail to handle the rainfall process correctly and project greater warming than justifiable. [This is illustrated in the missing fingerprint in weather balloon and satellite observations of the atmosphere centered over the tropics at about 10 km as shown in NIPCC 2008.]

The second failing Gray cites is the failure to comprehend the fundamental role of the deep ocean circulation, the Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC). [The MOC is a more rigorous concept than the more popularly known Thermohaline Circulation.] To Gray, the MOC significantly influences rainfall, wind, and surface temperature changes independent of greenhouse gases and radiation.

The displeasure Gray expresses is similar to the displeasure numerous members of other physical societies have expressed towards the leadership of their organizations, which have issued political statements regarding AGW without fully consulting the views of the membership. We are witnessing a decline in scientific rigor and discipline in scientific debates. The damage being done to the societies is significant as is damage to the American science as a whole. Please see Article # 1.
On Monday, at the annual meeting of the solar physics division of the American Astronomical Society, three separate groups announced the findings of their research -solar activity appears to be diminishing. The three studies examined three different components of activity, 1) the jet stream in the solar interior, 2) diminishing sunspots on the visible surface and 3) changes in the corona and near the poles. All three research efforts pointed to the same direction ? a pronounced decline in solar activity including sun spots and solar magnetism.

Immediate responses range from it means little or nothing, the orthodoxy, to an alarmist future Little Ice Age. The quote above from Michael Mann reflects the orthodox view that solar changes have little influence on global warming and the climate.

The orthodoxy totally ignores the solar-cosmic ray hypothesis that solar activity, namely solar wind and magnetism, influences the number of high energy cosmic rays hitting the earth?s atmosphere, which, in turn, influences the formation of low level clouds which reflect sunlight, thus have a cooling effect. A dormant sun results in more cosmic rays and more clouds and cooler temperatures. A small change in cloud cover can result in significant temperature changes.

The quote above from Henrik Svensmark reflects the solar-cosmic ray hypothesis. At this time, one cannot confirm if the sun?s activity will continue to diminish, as the new research suggests. Nor can one confirm that sunspot activity is clearly related to solar wind and magnetism. (The effects of changes in solar wind and magnetism on cosmic rays have been long established.) If solar wind and magnetism diminishes, and clouds increase, then these events become a physical test of the solar-cosmic ray hypothesis.

At this time, the extent of the possible cooling, if any, cannot be determined. Don Easterbrook posted on Anthony Watt?s web site an excellent analysis of possible alternative cooling scenarios. The result may be a shallow cooling similar to 1945 to 1977, a more severe cooling similar to 1880-1915, a much more severe cooling similar to the Dalton Minimum of 1790 to 1820, or a return to a Little Ice Age. (Please see articles referenced under ?Is the Sun Rising?? and under ?Defenders of the Orthodoxy.?

Of course, several British satirists have seized upon these projections and wrote articles on what actions their government would take to prevent global cooling. Please see articles referenced under ?Below the Bottom Line.?
Climategate and similar IPCC shenanigans are upon us once again. One of the favorite marketing ploys of the IPCC is to make press releases and issue a Summary for Policymakers (SPM) with exciting claims with details to follow. It did so in the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), in which the SPM was released months before the main report. The main report poorly supported, or failed to support, many of the claims in the SPM. Further, many of the claims were supported by gray literature written by operatives from environmental groups.

On May 9, the IPCC released a summary report claiming that close to 80% of the world?s energy needs can be supplied from renewable energy sources by 2050. According to IPCC Chairman Rajendra Pachauri, the report was based on the best information available and was a sound basis for policymakers to meet the challenges of global warming. It did not pass the sniff test.

On June 14, the IPCC released the main report. Steve McIntyre of Climate Audit examined it and discovered the lead author of the critical chapter arriving to 80% of the world?s energy needs was a Greenpeace activist, Sven Teske, appointed to the IPCC by the German government. Even more interesting, the IPCC claim was based on a report by Greenpeace and the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), with the lead author none other than Sven Teske. Thickening the plot, the preface to the Greenpeace report was written by none other than IPCC Chairman Rajendra Pachauri. This is the best IPCC can do for objective, scientific reports!

As the dubious science of the IPCC was unraveling, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), under which IPCC festivities take place is asking member nations for donations to increase its roughly $25 Million budget by 15% because it has taken on new responsibilities, including gearing up to dispense $100 Billion per year by 2020 in payments from developed nations to developing nations as compensation for global warming.

Perhaps it?s time for UNFCCC and IPCC to demand payments from the multibillion dollar environmental industry, which raises great sums playing to the false fears the IPCC creates. This would relieve the taxpayers of Western nations from the obligation of supporting an organization that is dedicated to lessening their standards of living. Further, it would remove the last shrouds covering the claim that the IPCC is an objective, scientific organization and identify it for what it has become- an organization for promotion of the environmental industry. Please see articles referenced under ?Climategate Continued? and ?Defenders of the Orthodoxy.?
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson has repeatedly made claims of the monetary benefits conferred to Americans by EPA regulations, especially under the Clean Air Act, that, simply, are not credible. Only the EPA and the environmental industry use them. Independent economists disregard them.

This week David Montgomery and Anne Smith of NERA Economic Consulting released a report stating the basis by which EPA obtains some of its dubious numbers. It is not by an objective measure, but by surveys, political polls ? how much do you think we should pay for (cleaner air)? Obviously, the answer would be different for government employee as compared with a recently unemployed gulf oil worker. If the report is correct, then no numbers emanating from the EPA should be accepted as reliable. Please see report referenced under ?Communicating Better to the Public ? Exaggerate??
The Number of the Week: 3 is taken from the web site of John Brignell, Number Watch, who posted it on June 6, after an extended absence. Three is the number of campaigns (fronts) undertaken by the environmental industry and political enablers to, in Brignell?s terms, bring down the modern state by attacking ?its energy, manufacturing and transport systems.? It worked well against Germany in World War II.

To Brignell the first front was global warming / climate change, and that is failing. The second front is ocean acidification, actually a marginal reduction in alkalinity of sea water, which is not doing well. Any tropical fish fancier recognizes the absurdity of many of the claims (some members of Congress may not).

The third front is particulates ? invisible air pollution ? tiny particles that may endanger health even though they are in low concentrations. The British government is sounding the alarm of the 1950s when burning of high sulfur coal, without scrubbers, killed thousands in a pea-soup fog. It makes little difference to government officials that automobiles or coal fired utilities with sulfur scrubbers do not produce the same sulfur emissions. The US EPA is invoking that dreaded metal mercury, without any physical evidence supporting its claims. Please see ?Opening the third front? under ?Challenging the Orthodoxy,? Article # 4, and referenced articles under ?EPA and Other Regulators on the March.?

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For the numbered articles below please see:

1. On The Hijacking of the American Meteorological Society (AMS)
By Bill Gray, WUWT, Jun 16, 2011
(AMS Fellow, Charney Award recipient, and over 50-year member)

2. Term ?sustainability? widely misused
By Charles Battig, VA-SEEE, Letter, Daily Progress, Jun 12, 2011 /jun/?

3. The Return of the Population Bomb
When the experts tell you there are too many people, they don?t mean too many Swedes
By William McGurn, WSJ, Jun 14, 2011

4. The EPA?s War on Jobs
Coal is from Earth, Lisa Jackson is from mercury.
Editorial, WSJ, Jun 13, 2011

5. America Needs the Shale Revolution
The drilling boom is the best U.S. energy news in generations and is crucial for reviving domestic manufacturing.
By Robert Bryce, WSJ, Jun 13, 2011

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Science: Is the Sun Rising?
Sun?s Fading Spots Signal Big Drop in Solar Activity
By Denise Chow,, Jun 14, 2011 [H/t ICECAP]

Scientists predict rare ?hibernation? of sunspots
By Kerry Sheridan, AFP June 14, 2011

The Demise of Sunspots ? Deep Cooling Ahead
By Don Easterbrook, WUWT, Jun 17, 2011

All three of these lines of research to point to the familiar sunspot cycle shutting down for a while.
By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Jun 14, 2011

Earth may be headed into a mini Ice Age within a decade
Physicists say sunspot cycle is ?going into hibernation?
By Lewis Page, A Register, Jun 14, 2011 [H/t Anne Debeil]

NASA JPL on New Insights on How Solar Minimums Affect Earth
By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Jun 14, 2011

Climategate Continued
Greenpeace karaoke
IPCC report is based on Greenpeace renewables plan
By Steve McIntyre, Financial Post, Jun 16, 2011
?Even more interesting, the original Teske-Greenpeace report comes with a preface from one R.K. Pachauri, a.k.a. Rajendra Pachauri, the illustrious chairman of the IPCC and mastermind of its many scientific endeavors.?

Responses from IPCC SRREN
By Steve McIntyre, Climate Audit, Jun 16, 2011
?Close to 80 percent of the world?s energy supply could be met by renewables by mid-century if backed by the right enabling public policies a new report shows.? [SEPP Comment: It must be true because Greenpeace said it.]

The IPCC loses its last credibility
By Lorne Gunter, National Post, Jun 17, 2011

Climate change panel in hot water again over ?biased? energy report
By Oliver Wright, Independent, UK, Jun 16 ,2011 [H/t Best of the Web]
[SEPP Comment: To paraphrase the Best on the Web: And if there are honest scientists who think global warming [AGW] is real, why aren?t they the ones blowing the whistle on the malefactors who discredit the theory?]

Ideological money laundering
By Ben Pile, Bishop Hill, Jun 16, 2011 [H/t WUWT]
[SEPP Comment: Not only is Greenpeace involved in IPCC reports, but the European Renewable Energy Council is involved as well.]

Challenging the Orthodoxy
The opening of the third front
By John Brignell, Number Watch, Jun 6, 2011

The temperature trend is not as simple as Garnaut makes out
By Tom Quirk, On Line Opinion, AU, Jun 14, 2011

Agenda 21: The U.N.?s Earth Summit Has Its Head In The Clouds
By Larry Bell, Forbes, Jun 14, 2011

Climate policy crisis
By Bob Carter, Quadrant, Jun 12, 2011
[SEPP Comment: Neo-colonialism in Western countries.]

Defenders of the Orthodoxy
Sunspot Drop Won?t Cause global Cooling
By Brandon Keim, Wired Science, Jun 15, 2011 [H/t ICECAP]

Would Solar Lull Snuff Climate Action?
By Andrew Revkin, NYT, Jun 15, 2011 [H/t David Manuta]

Examining Dr. John Christy?s Global Warming Skepticism
By Dana Nuccitelli, Treehugger, Jun 14, 2011 [H/t Marc Morano, Climate Depot]
[SEPP Comment: The author gets hypothesis testing wrong. The alternative of the hypothesis that human greenhouse gas emissions are causing significant warming is the null hypothesis, they are not the cause.]

Rio eco-summit ?top priority? for UN
Staff Writers, AFP, June 16, 2011
[SEPP Comment: Creating more fears. See above article on Agenda 21 by Larry Bell.]

Budget battle at cash-strapped UN climate forum
By Staff Writers, AFP, June 16, 2011

IPCC asks scientists to assess geo-engineering climate solutions
Leaked documents ahead of key Lima meeting suggest UN body is looking to slow emissions with technological fixes rather than talks
By John Vidal, Guardian, UK, Jun 15, 2011 [H/t Robert Pritchard]
?The meeting has been given added weight because last week, Christiana Figueres, head of the UNFCCC, told the Guardian that the world may have to investigate geo-engineering because emissions were continuing to rise.?

Curb soot, smog to help keep Earth cool: UN
By Staff Writers AFP June 14, 2011

Questioning the Orthodoxy
New Paper Under Review ?Changes In Seasonal Snow Cover In Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region? By Gurung Et Al 2011
By Roger Pielke, Sr, Pielke Climate Science, Jun 17, 2011
[SEPP Comment: As reviewed by Pielke, the study suggests "changes in snow cover between 2000 and 2010 are due to inter annual variations in circulation pattern." Pielke also praises interactive review process of The Cryosphere, posting all reviews and responses.]

1995 And All That
By David Whitehouse, GWPF, Jun 14, 2011
[SEPP Comment: Playing games with statistics.]

Questioning the European Green
UK faces job losses as businesses threaten to flee abroad to escape green energy levies
British industry?s ability to compete with companies overseas is under threat from punitive green energy costs, the new president of the CBI has told The Sunday Telegraph.
By Robert Mendick, Edward Malnick, and Andrew Cave, Telegraph, UK, Jun 12, 2011

Climate change should be excluded from curriculum, says adviser
Head of government review says school syllabus needs to ?get back to the science in science?
By Jessica Shepherd, Guardian, UK, Jun 12, 2011 [H/t WUWT]

Communicating Better to the Public ? Exaggerate?
Assessment of the Obama Administration?s Cost-Benefit Analysis of Clean Air Act Regulations
By David Montgomery and Anne Smith, NERA Economic Consulting, Jun 14, 2011

Models v. Data
The Failure Of Dynamic Downscaling As Adding Value to Multi-Decadal Regional Climate Prediction
By Roger Pielke, Sr, Pielke Climate Science, Jun 15, 2011
[SEPP Comment: A review of major, largely unanswered, issues in downscaling global multi-decadal models to obtain regional climate projections.]

Extreme Weather
Flooding in China Worsens
By Jeff Sussman, Weather Bell, Jun 17, 2011

Thick snowpack holds water ? and potential peril
Much of the West?s high country remains buried under a snowpack. Dam operators are watching for jumps in temperature that could turn piles of snow into raging floodwaters.
By Bettina Boxall, LA Times, Jun 12, 2011
[SEPP Comment: Balancing water output is a constant issue for the dam operators. Many of the dams were built first to control raging floods, then for other uses such as irrigation and hydroelectric power.]

Largest Dead Zone on Record Predicted for Gulf
By Christine McEnrue, Weather Bell, Jun 17, 2011
[SEPP Comment: Apparently the records go back to 1985.]

New peer reviewed study: Surge in North Atlantic hurricanes due to better detectors, not climate change
By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Jun 16, 2011

Changing Climate
Study of 800-year-old tree rings backs global warming
The decline in recent decades of the mountain snows that feed the West?s major rivers is virtually unprecedented for most of the past millennium, according to new research published today.
By Craig Welch, Seattle Times, Jun 9, 2011
[SEPP Comment: Warming is not the issue, the issue is cause. A study going back 1000 years would be more informative.]

Changing Seas
Changing Tides: Research Center Under Fire for ?Adjusted? Sea-Level Data
By Maxim Lott, Fox News, Jun 17, 2011 [H/t Debbie Wetlaufer]

New sea level dataset now available ? still flat
By Bob Tisdale, WUWT, Jun 11, 2011

What Will Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Mean for Barrier Islands
By Staff Writers, SPX, Jun 16, 2011
[SEPP Comment: No uniform answer - the islands will come and go as they always have.]

The Political Games Continue
Labor spends $12m on campaign to promote carbon pricing, but has no scheme in place
By Malcolm Farr, AU, Jun 16, 2011

Truth is that Garnaut is partisan
By Greg Sheridan, The Australian, Jun 16, 2011 [H/t Des Moore]

A Bill To Make Soros Richer
Editorial, IBD, Jun 14, 2011

Litigation Issues
Montana Supreme Court rejects the Global Warming petition by Our Children?s Trust
By Ed Berry, Climate Physics Institute, June 16, 2011
[SEPP Comment: Important finding - the evidence offered for human-caused global warming is in legally substantial doubt. It appears that the court was less than impressed by the argument that the State must "protect and preserve the atmosphere."]

Cap-and-Trade and Carbon Taxes
Northeast U.S. Carbon Auction Leaves More Than 2/3 of Allowances Unsold
By Simon Lomax , Bloomberg, Jun 10, 2011 [H/t Cooler Heads Digest]
[SEPP Comment: A pricing bubble?]

EU climate chiefs in row over future of emissions trading
Ambitious new energy efficiency directive could destroy pioneering greenhouse gas trading system
By Fiona Harvey, Guardian, UK, Jun 17, 2011 [H/t GWPF]

Subsidies and Mandates Forever
Ethanolics Anonymous
By Rich Trzupek, Front Page, Jun 17, 2011
[SEPP Comment: Although removing the tax credit for ethanol removes a subsidy, the mandate still hurts the public.]

EPA and other Regulators on the March
A Scientific Critique of the EPA?s Proposed ?National Emission Standards ? ?
By Willie Soon, Jun 2011 [H/t Joe Bast]
[SEPP Comment: Focuses on new mercury standards]
Comment period ends July 5.
Posted comments can be found at:

Regulation As Ruinous As Taxation
By Pete Sepp, Editorial, Jun 14, 2011

EPA Delays GHG Rule for More Public Input
By Staff Writers, Power News, Jun 15, 2011

AEP to Retire 6 GW in Coal Generation Amid EPA Regulation Conceerns
By Staff Writers, Power News, Jun 15, 2011
[SEPP Comment: About thirty years ago Washington demanded that utilities switch from natural gas and oil to coal, now it is making coal fired plants too expensive to operate.]

Consumers? electric bills likely to spike as coal plants close
As stricter environmental regulations approach, some power generators are choosing to shutter their coal-fired plants.
By Julie Wernau, Chicago Tribune, Jun 11, 2011 [H/t Catherine French]

More regulations: EPA?s fantasy solution to unemployment
Editorial, Washington Examiner, Jun 15, 2011

Reptile Roils Oil Patch
Companies Oppose Endangered-Species Tag for Lizard, but Brace for Its Listing
By Ana Campoy, WSJ, Jun 14, 2011

Energy Issues
Obama: Energy Policy Remains ?a Hodgepodge?
By Alexis Simendinger, Real Clear Politics, Jun 15, 2011 [H/t Cooler Heads Digest]
[SEPP Comment: It appears to be more a policy driven by the environmental industry, as President Obama so chose.]

Get ready for electricity prices to ?necessarily skyrocket?
By Ed Morrissey, Hot Air, Jun 12, 2011 [H/t Bob Ferguson, SPPI]

Collaboration Central to OBAMA Administration?s Grid Modernization Plan
By Staff Writers, Power News, Jun 15, 2011

Nuclear Fears & Responses
Cooling fuel pools at Fukushima
By Staff Writers, Word Nuclear News, Jun 13, 2011

German Nuclear Exit Hurts Merkel?s Green-Energy Goal
By Vanessa Fuhrmans, WSJ, Jun 15, 2011

Irate Power Companies to Sue Berlin For Damages
By Frank Dohmen and Alexander Neubacher, Der Spiegel, 13, 2011 [H/t Anne Debeil]

Oil and Natural Gas ? the Future or the Past?
Eagle Ford Oil: ?Resources are Not, Resources Become? (and new jobs galore without government subsidy, President Obama)
By Greg Rehmke, Master Resource, June 16, 2011

Shale gas doesn?t make Poland the new Norway yet
By Ekke Overbeek, European Energy Review, Jun 14, 2011

Alternative, Green (?Clean?) Energy
Wind power and water power collide in the Northwest
Wind farms are furious at the Bonneville Power Administration for making them cut electricity generation because high flows on the Columbia River have led to extra hydropower.
By Kim Murphy, LA Times, Jun 14, 2011
[SEPP Comment: Wind advocates want the power authority to pay others to take the excess power - adding another ludicrous subsidy for wind on top of another.]

Greenbacks for ?green? energy
Lucrative subsidies for renewables amount to crony capitalism
Mackubin Thomas Owens, Washington Times, Jun 10, 2011

Tenfold increase of geothermal power and heat is possible
By Staff Writers, IEA, Jun 15, 2011
[SEPP Comment: All that is needed is more taxpayer funded subsidies.]

Renewable energy sources a priority for military, says report
By Staff Writers, UPI, Jun 13, 2011 [H/t Toshio Fujita]
[SEPP Comment: In isolated situations, alternative sources may be very useful. "In the mobility domain, much of the focus is on biofuels and synfuels that can serve as replacements for petrofuels for vehicles ranging from tactical vehicles, trucks and tanks to fighter jets and naval vessels." Unreal! Oil is high performance and comparatively cheap.]

Pentagon?s First Energy Plan
By Keith Johnson, WSJ, Jun 15, 2011
?The Navy, for example, has experimented with biofuel-powered F-18 fighter jets and is developing the ?Great Green Fleet,? an aircraft-carrier strike group that will be powered exclusively by alternative fuels and aims to ship out by 2016.?
[SEPP Comment: Apparently the Pentagon is blissfully unaware of the drilling revolution taking place in the US. As usual it is fighting the last war. May be behind a paywall.]

Review of Recent Scientific Articles by NIPCC
For a full list of articles see

Coralline Algal Growth Reveals History of North Atlantic Climate
Reference: Halfar, J., Hetzinger, S., Adey, W., Zack, T., Gamboa, G., Kunz, B., Williams, B. and Jacob, D.E. 2011. Coralline algal growth-increment widths archive North Atlantic climate variability. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 302: 71-80.
[SEPP Comment: Additional studies indicating the 1920s and 1930s may have been warmer than today in the mid to upper latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.]

Surviving Global Warming by Migrating Mere Meters ? or Even Millimeters
Reference: Suggitt, A.J., Gillingham, P.K., Hill, J.K., Huntley, B., Kunin, W.E., Roy D.B. and Thomas, C.D. 2011. Habitat microclimates drive fine-scale variation in extreme temperatures. Oikos 120: 1-8.

Himalayan Glaciers
Reference: Chaujar, R.K. 2009. Climate change and its impact on the Himalayan glaciers ? a case study on the Chorabari glacier, Garhwal Himalaya, India. Current Science 96: 703-708.
[SEPP Comment: Another review of the report that contradicted the IPCC claim of the complete melting of the Himalayan Glaciers by 2035. IPCC head, R.K. Pachauri, called the report "voodoo science."]

No Long-term Trend in Atlantic Hurricane Numbers
Reference: Villarini, G., Vecchi, G.A., Knutson, T.R. and Smith, J.A. 2011. Is the recorded increase in short-duration North Atlantic tropical storms spurious? Journal of Geophysical Research 116: D10114, doi:10.1029/2010JD015493.

Health, Energy and Climate
When climate gets wetter, plagues get worse
That?s the conclusion of study in China about changes in precipitation levels
By Katharine Gammon, MSNBC, Jun 14, 2011
[SEPP Comment: No mention of temperatures. Of course the great plagues of Europe hit during the Little Ice Age.]

Oh Mann!
Computer Scientist Goes on Offensive to Defend Climate Scientists
By Eli Kintisch, Science Magazine, Jun 10, 2011
[SEPP Comment: Defending Michael Mann by attacking scientists whose work exposed him. May be behind a paywall.]

Environmental Industry
Obama is packing the government with Big Green ideologues
By Ron Arnold, Washington Examiner, Jun 6, 2011

Environmental groups spout misinformation on Keystone pipeline
By Peter Foster, Financial Post, Jun 16, 2011

Greenpeace Again Scales Oil Rig
By Alexis Flynn, WSJ, Jun 17, 2011
[SEPP Comment: The courts and laws do not apply to the environmental industry. May be behind a paywall.]

Other News that May Be of Interest
Junk Science Week: Lipstick, apples & sperm counts
By Terence Corcoran Jun 13, 2011 ? 10:40 PM ET | Last Updated: Jun 14, 2011

No climate death in Venice
By Terence Corcoran, Financial Post, Jun 15, 2011

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The Ice Age is coming ? don?t panic
By Richard Littlejohn, Daily Mail, UK, Jun 17, 2011 [H/t Malcolm Ross]

10 reasons to be cheerful about the coming new Ice Age
By James Delingpole, Telegraph, UK, Jun 15, 2011 [H/t ICECAP]

Another stupid polar publicity stunt ? ?Row To The Pole
By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Jun 15, 2011
[SEPP Comment: See the update]


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