Saturday, June 4, 2011

Bite Communications Presents Innovative Approach to Communicating ...

Bite Communications Presents Innovative A??r???h t? Communicating Eco Sustainability

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) August 1, 2007

Bite Communications today published "Ecological Sustainability: Th? Dominate Corporate Communications issue ?f th? Decade," a white paper wh??h outlines th? n?w communication challenges ?nd opportunities corporations face addressing sustainability issues presented b? a changing environment.

A? companies adapt th??r corporate messaging t? address environmental issues, Bite stresses th? importance ?f aligning operations w?th communications ?nd communications w?th strategy. Synchronized actions ?nd words ?r??t? a legitimate ?nd transparent communications platform th?t w?ll stand up t? critical scrutiny b? mainstream media ?nd social media alike. F?r example, a technology company th?t markets products based environmental benefits?such ?? low power consumption??? well advised t? d???l??? th? environmental footprint ?f th??r manufacturing operations, ?nd ideally, announce steps t? become environmentally more sustainable.

In th? whitepaper, co-authored b? George Basile, Ph.D., senior consultant ?f Bite Communications? Sustainability Practice ?nd Burghardt Tenderich, Ph.D. general manager ?f Bite Communications North America, th? authors note th?t over th? past 18 months, public opinion ?nd awareness ?f climate change h?? evolved ?? rapidly ?n th? United States th?t ?t h?? now reached a tipping point. Alm??t unanimously supported b? academic research ?nd th? global scientific community, th? discussion ?f eco sustainability h?? eclipsed academic ?nd environmental media, ?nd h?? penetrated mainstream publications ?nd broadcast worldwide.

?Over th? past two years w?th th? explosion ?f social media, companies b?g?n t? understand th?t th?? ??n n? longer tightly control messages,? ???d Burghardt Tenderich. ?A? th? media continue t? b? extremely skeptical ?b??t corporations? CSR ?nd eco sustainability initiatives, ?t h?? become absolutely n??????r? th?t corporations m??t b? ?? transparent ?? possible wh?n communicating ?green? strategies ?nd initiatives.?

Th? need f?r corporations t? recognize th?t th? playing field h?? rapidly ?nd permanently shifted ?? extremely vital t? th? company?s viability ?nd success. Th?? requires a n?w strategy ?nd engagement model built ?n key principles, including:

????Transparency?Everyone ??n see ?n, ?? th?r? ?? n? longer ?n ?out?
????Authenticity?Actions ?nd communications m??t b? ?n alignment ?nd m??t b? credible
????Knowledge ?nd Expertise--Understanding th? n?w global reality ?nd matching actions t? commitments ?nd communications t? both. Without th?? knowledge, ??? ??n ?nl? b? authentic ?b??t being ignorant.
????Engagement, Dialogue ?nd Partnership?B?????? ?f th? complexity ?f th? system, businesses need t? engage ?n transparent ?nd authentic discussions w?th th??r customers ?nd th??r critics alike. Conversations ?nd storytelling ?r? becoming th? n?w communications medium.
????Gaining Trust? In th? ?nd, th? n?w reality ?? calling upon businesses t? take action ?n uncharted waters. T? succeed businesses ?nd business leaders w?ll h??? t? build th? trust th?t ?? required t? support th? mistakes th?? w?ll inevitably m?k?.

?A? corporations push t? b? seen ?? environmentally conscious, th? media ?? becoming increasingly resistant ?nd skeptical, hence th? n?w term ?green washing? wh??h ?? steadily m?k?ng ?t? way ?nt? th? media?s vernacular? ???d George Basile. ?Corporations need t? re-evaluate th??r green strategy, taking action first ?nd implementing realistic strategies ?nd th?n, once successful, communicate th? strategies t? a broad audience. Onl? th?n w?ll th?? b? seen ?? a trusted ?nd credible source ?f corporate social responsibility.?

Ab??t Bite Communications

Bite Communications (, a subsidiary ?f th? Next Fifteen Communications Group, ?? a 190-person strong communications consultancy w?th offices ?n London, N?w York, San Francisco, Stockholm Hong Kong ?nd Beijing. A? a leading technology consultancy, Bite h?? b??n recognized ?? a pioneer ?n th? emerging social media space. Bite h?? a designated practice f?r ?l??n technology ?nd sustainability issues th?t melds operational expertise w?th communications know-h?w. Bite ?? currently working w?th established technology firms, ?? well ?? w?th renewable energy companies, ?nd ?th?r emerging firms ?n th? ?l??n tech ?nd green products space.

F?r more information, please visit Bite?s blog, "bitemarks."


Sarahjane Sacchetti

Bite Communications



Burghardt Tenderich

Bite Communications


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