Monday, November 5, 2012

Google removes German ex-first lady items

Google says it has deleted search results related to former German first lady Bettina Wulff, who is upset at words that associate her with the sex trade.

Google has deleted eight search results related to former German first lady Bettina Wulff, it has been reported.

The company was under fire in Germany over a search feature with words associated with the sex trade.

In September, Wulff's lawyer applied for an injunction against Google in a Hamburg court.

The auto-complete feature Google Suggest ends queries with "prostitute" and "escort" when the name "Bettina Wulff" is entered.

From the more than 3000 search results originally mentioned, only eight that made false statements have been deleted, Google said, according to a report in the Bild am Sonntag.

A Google spokesman was quoted as saying the action was related only to the deletion of search results in Google Search, but not on the auto-complete function.

Google insists the auto-complete feature reflects users' queries.

Bild reported the lawsuit related to the auto-complete function will now be taken to Google headquarters in the United States. Her lawyers have demanded the deletion of 85 keywords.

Wulff is the publicist wife of Christian Wulff, who was forced to resign as president in February over allegations that he accepted favours from wealthy friends earlier in his career.


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