Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Great-looking Legs: Diet, Exercise, or Plastic Surgery? | Blog

Liposuction NYCExposed or in clothing, women aspire to achieve the most shapely and attractive contour of thighs and legs.? Certainly, genetics plays a significant role in lower extremity shape, although there is much we can do to improve and refine the appearance.? Adherence to a fitness regimen that combines a healthy diet and both cardio and strength training is paramount to achieving great looking legs. Whether through yoga, pilates, squats and lunges, stair-climbing, running, or bike, it is vital to tone the quads, hamstrings, calves, and gluteal muscles.? Nevertheless, there are those women that despite rigorous work and dedication, less-than-ideal shape and ?trouble spots? may persist.? In such cases, liposuction may be the solution.

Is plastic surgery for thighs and legs where people should start?? Fundamentally, and most importantly, there is no substitute for balanced nutrition and exercise.? In keeping with all aesthetic plastic surgery procedures, liposuction is not for individuals who are severely overweight or obese, or for those who do not exercise at all.? Liposuction should not be viewed as a quick-fix, or a substitute for the hard work that is a necessary step in the preparation process.? Candidates for body contouring plastic surgery procedures should be at or close to their ideal body weight, and for liposuction of the legs and thighs, should be at a maximally-trained level of lower extremity tone and fitness.

When the trouble-zones persist after fitness and health have been maximized, liposuction techniques are indicated. Gluteal and lateral thighs (saddle-bags), inner thighs, suprapatellar (above the knees), medial knees, and ankles are common regions for the storage and persistence of localized fat that may not respond to diet and exercise. For the treatment of ?localized adiposity? of the thighs and legs, liposuction through tiny access sites with very thin cannulas (tubes), also known as microliposuction, is performed.? Most often, the access ?incisions? are made with a needle only (rather than a scalpel), and the excess fat cells are removed with very small caliber cannulas that range in width from 2 to 3 mm.? This microliposuction process lends to more meticulous and aesthetic contouring, with a high degree of safety and very low risk of irregularities.? Recovery time ranges from 2 to 7 days, and most return to exercise after 4 ? 5 days.

Is there a role for nonsurgical contouring of the thighs or legs? Currently, the noninvasive modalities such as Liposonix (high intensity focused ultrasound, or HIFU), and Zeltiq (CoolSculpting, cryolipolysis) are not approved by the FDA for application in the lower extremities, and more than minute effects in this or any area of the body are debatable.? When recalcitrant fat persists after diet and exercise, there is truly no substitute for liposuction.

It is also extremely important that the plastic surgeon that performs liposuction is indeed a plastic surgeon. It is unfortunate that liposuction in New York can be performed by a variety of ?specialists? that may advertise training, and even ?board certification? in ?cosmetic surgery?.? Make no mistake, your plastic surgeon should be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the only Board that ?counts? with regard to assuring adherence to? the most rigorous standards of training, examination, and maintenance of certification.

Source: http://www.newyorkplasticsurgeryblog.com/2012/10/great-looking-legs-diet-exercise-or-liposuction-plastic-surgery/

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