Thursday, May 31, 2012

Acting in Unison Stirs Up Aggression

Head Lines | Mind & Brain Cover Image: May 2012 Scientific American MagazineSee Inside

A more tightly knit team, it seems, is a fiercer foe

Image: Ahmad Faizal Yahya/iStockphoto

In this groundbreaking adventure into the worlds of psychopaths, the renowned psychologist Kevin Dutton argues that there is a fine line between a brilliant...

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Military leaders have long known that marching in unison makes for a tight-knit platoon. Past research by psychologist Scott Wiltermuth of the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business suggests that this cooperation emerges when the group members? emotions are aligned. Now he finds such synchrony can also encourage aggression, according to a study published in January in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Wiltermuth and his colleagues assigned subjects to groups. The researchers gave each group a set of cups and taught them a choreographed cup-moving routine that they would perform later to music. To create an atmosphere of competition, the researchers tasked them with memorizing a list of cities?they would be tested later, and the highest-scoring groups could win $50. Then all participants put on headphones and performed the cup routine in time to the music they heard. In some groups, participants ended up moving the cups in sync with one another; in other groups, each subject heard music with varying beats and could not coordinate with other participants. After completing the cup activity, the researchers told each group they could select the music a different group would hear during its cup-moving routine. One of the options was a loud, aggravating blast of static. Teams that had moved in sync were more likely to choose the noxious noise than those that had been out of sync. A more tightly knit team, it seems, is a fiercer foe.

In a companion study, to be published in Social Influence, Wiltermuth found that members of an in-sync group were also more destructive. The groups were given live pill bugs and told to shoo them into boxes described as ?exter?minators? (in reality, the boxes held the bugs unharmed). When prompted by a leader, those that had moved in sync earlier drove 54 percent more insects into the extermination boxes than did out-of-sync control subjects.

Wiltermuth explains that these findings underscore the importance of questioning our actions and those of our leaders. ?We are doing things we wouldn?t otherwise do, because we feel an emotional connection to our team,? he says.

This article was published in print as "Emotions in Lockstep."

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Author plans sequel to 'Devil Wears Prada'

(AP) ? Lauren Weisberger has made another deal with the devil.

Simon & Schuster announced Thursday that the author of "The Devil Wears Prada" has a sequel planned for next April.

"Revenge Wears Prada: The Devil Returns" continues the adventures of former magazine assistant Andrea "Andy" Sachs, now a bridal magazine editor, and the imperious boss she thought she had escaped, Miranda Priestly.

Published in 2003, "The Devil Wears Prada" was adapted into a hit film of the same name starring Meryl Streep as Miranda and Anne Hathaway as Andy.

Weisberger is a former assistant at Vogue and Miranda is widely considered a fictionalized version of editor-in-chief Anna Wintour.

Associated Press

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Trey Ellis: Blacks and the Business of Baseball

I've just finished a new play called, Kansas City Swing, that takes place in 1947, the year Jackie Robinson entered Major League Baseball. My play, however, is about that other great black superstar, Satchel Paige, and his long-standing rivalry with Bob Feller, two of the very best pitchers in the history of the game. The summer before Robinson integrated the MLB Paige and Feller electrified the nation and made themselves extremely rich, barnstorming the country,pitting black all-stars against white.

The next summer, after Robinson, their off-season business venture was a total flop. Nobody came out to see them. In fact the Negro Leagues themselves, soon after Robinson broke the color barrier, dried up and disappeared.

Of course integration in general was, and is, a great boon, but pre-Robinson the Negro Leagues were the black community's single-most important economic engine. Not just the ticket sales but the hotels and restaurants that grew up around the league gave economic opportunities to thousands of black business people around the nation.

Today, blacks and women aren't represented nearly enough in the business supply chain of the MLB. Fortunately the MLB knows this, so they are hosting the first ever "MLB Diversity Business Summit," next month, July 24th, at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago.

Baseball is reaching out. If you have any interest in doing business with the MLB go to Chicago and make yourself heard.




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Trademark Lawyer: How They Can Protect Your Business Rights ...


All business owners know very well how important trademark is for their business. Trademark means a lot for each and every business. It is so crucial because it is recognized as the unique mark of a unit and this mark differentiates the products and services of a unit from several other entities belonging to the same or similar category. Trademark can be called the exclusive sign of the manufacturer or producer of a service or a product.

Trademark is very crucial for a business because in the business world any particular organization offering a product or service needs to be identified for its unique production. Are wondering how that identification is done? Well, this identification is done on the basis of trademark. Business owners are so concerned bout the trademark because it not only gives them their unique identity but also acts as the legal protector. Trademark actually protects the exclusive business rights of an entity. Therefore the importance of trademark for a business is undeniable.

If you are a business owner you know that trademark can not be used casually. If you are going to own a business you should get an idea about how to acquire and use a trademark. Before you use a trademark publicly you need to register it. Registration of a trademark is a complicated procedure. It is not an easy thing that any one can handle. It is an extensive process and it involves a lot of legalities. Therefore you require a trademark attorney to handle all these intricate tasks.

Trademark law is very complicated. A lay man without any experience can not deal with them. It also requires thorough knowledge of the law for trademark registration. If you make any mistake it is going to be devastating for your business. Moreover it takes a lot of time to correct that error. Hence it is better to depend on an experienced lawyer when it comes to trademark registration.

Besides registration, selecting a trademark is also quite difficult. Selection of a trademark needs various considerations. You need to be very carefully while choosing a trademark for your business. Consult your legal advisor and make a thorough planning before you start the selection procedure. You need professional help in each and every step because without the guidance of the expert you may violate other business owners? exclusive rights. Violating others? exclusive rights may lead to unwanted legal hassles. So talk to your lawyer to avoid all the legal problems.

Once the selection of trademark is done you need to register it. Your attorney will help you through the entire process. Your attorney will apply to the authorities to get your trademark license. He or she will also take care of all the paper works.

Each state in United States has got its unique trademark laws. If you are going to register the trademark for your business you will have to follow the trademark law of your state. Therefore you should hire a local attorney who is well aware of the state law. For example if you live in Florida you need to hire a Trademark Attorney in Florida to ensure that your trademark registration process will be smooth.

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US grants experimental permit to Virgin Galactic

(AP) ? Virgin Galactic says it expects to make rocket-powered test flights of its passenger spaceship later this year.

The company said Wednesday its spaceship builder partner has been granted an experimental permit from the Federal Aviation Administration ? a move that will allow it to proceed with powered flights.

No timetable has been set for the first launches carrying paying customers, but that'll come after the test program is complete. More than 500 people including actor Ashton Kutcher have signed up with Virgin Galactic for a chance to experience weightlessness during suborbital flights.

Virgin Galactic and Mojave, California-based Scaled Composites have been glide-testing their six-passenger vehicle SpaceShipTwo, which is air-launched from a twin-fuselage carrier airplane.

Work is under way to integrate the rocket motor into SpaceShipTwo.

Associated Press

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Annan urges Assad 'act now' as West expels envoys

Envoy Kofi Annan has urged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to act now to end 15 months of bloodshed, warning the country has reached a "tipping point" as Western nations ordered out its top diplomats.

Another day of deadly violence on Tuesday was the bloody backdrop to Annan's last-gasp efforts to salvage his peace plan, with 98 people killed, most of them civilians, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The daily toll, from the British-based monitoring group, included 61 civilians, 28 government troops and nine rebel fighters, as the country slipped further towards civil war.

On the diplomatic front, the apparently coordinated expulsion orders issued by the European Union, the United States and other governments including Australia, Canada and Switzerland -- were in response to the earlier killing of at least 108 people, nearly half of them children, during an assault by pro-government forces last week.

Washington said it hoped the outcry over the deaths near the central town of Houla on Friday and Saturday would draw a change of heart from Damascus ally Moscow, which has previously blocked tougher UN action against Assad's regime.

"We are at a tipping point," Annan said after his talks with the Syrian leader in the capital, aimed at rescuing his troubled peace blueprint that was supposed to begin with a ceasefire from April 12 that has never taken hold.

"The Syrian people do not want the future to be one of bloodshed and division. Yet the killings continue and the abuses are still with us today," the former UN chief said.

"I appealed to him for bold steps now -- not tomorrow, now -- to create momentum for the implementation of the plan.

"This means that the government, and all government-backed militias, could stop all military operations and show maximum restraint."

Annan flew into Syria on Monday, hours after the UN Security Council adopted a statement condemning heavy shelling of residential areas by government forces during the killings in Houla.

The Syrian authorities have repeatedly insisted that the lion's share of the blame for the deaths lies with armed rebels, a position Assad restated in his talks with Annan.

"The success of the Annan plan depends on the end of terrorist acts and those who support them and the smuggling of weapons," Assad was quoted as saying.

But UN peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous pointed the finger towards a militia loyal to Assad.

"There is strong suspicion that the Shabiha were involved in this tragedy in Houla," Ladsous told reporters at the UN headquarters.

He added that the number of victims from an artillery barrage "points to responsibility of the government" as only Assad's forces have tanks and large-calibre field guns.

Washington joined an array of Western governments in ordering out Syria's few remaining senior diplomats in protest at the killings.

"We hold the Syrian government responsible for this slaughter of innocent lives," US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said, informing charge d'affaires Zuheir Jabbour that he had 72 hours to leave the country.

French President Francois Hollande said Paris would host a new meeting in July of the Friends of Syria group formed by Damascus's Arab and Western critics.

He said he did not rule out military intervention, provided it were approved by the UN Security Council.

"An armed intervention is not excluded on the condition that it is carried out with respect to international law, meaning after deliberation by the United Nations Security Council," he said in a television interview.

Russia, which has twice used its veto powers at the Security Council to block tougher action against Assad's regime, called for an "objective and impartial" UN-led probe into the killings.

The United States said it hoped the results of the investigation would mark a "turning point" in Russia's stance towards its longtime ally.

Washington welcomes the fact "that the Russians are willing to have a full investigation because we think it's undisputable what that investigation is going to show," the State Department spokeswoman said.

"It's going to show that these were regime-sponsored thugs who went into villages, went into homes and killed children at point blank-range and their parents," Nuland said.

Tuesday's toll included the latest "massacre", in which 13 civilians died in the north-west Deir region, the Syrian Observatory's head Rami Abdul Rahman told AFP by telephone.

The victims "were executed with a bullet in the head, according to first reports from the region", he said, urging UN observers on the ground to probe the alleged atrocity and identify the perpetrators.

The opposition Syrian National Council welcomed the expulsion of diplomats but called on Western governments to go further and push for a UN Security Council resolution authorising the use of force.

More than 13,000 people have been killed, most of them civilians, since the uprising against Assad's regime erupted in March last year, according to the Britain-based watchdog.

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4 Questions Not To Ask A Single Mom

Just the other day when I was meeting a friend for coffee after a Saturday morning run, I was reminded once again that I am a single mom ? or at least of the image I must wear on my sleeve that propels inquiring minds to ask outrageously insensitive questions.

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Teital Admits to Murdering Arabs - Yeshiva World News

Teital Admits to Murdering Arabs

(Tuesday, May 29th, 2012)

Shomron resident Yaakov Teital, 39, admitted to the Jerusalem District Court on Monday, 7 Sivan 5772, that he murdered two Arabs and perpetrated other crimes such as placing a bomb at the home of Israel Prize recipient Prof. Ze?ev Sternhell.

Based on the reports filed by experts, Teital?s attorney will now tell the court his client was not responsible for his actions since he was deemed unfit to stand trial.

Teital told the court that while in the United States in May 1997, he made the decision to take revenge against Arabs for the terror attacks being perpetrated against Jews in Israel.

Other attacks attributed to Teital?include:

  • Sept. 25, 2009: Placing a bomb at the home of Prof. Ze?ev Sternhell in Jerusalem
  • March 20, 2008: seriously injuring a member of a messianic family in Ariel
  • June-July 2007: placing a bomb near a monastery in Beit Shemesh which left an Arab injured
  • April 20, 2007: the placement of a bomb in front of the police station in Yishuv Eli
  • March 1, 2003: Placing a bomb to target a family in the Arab village of Sinjel
  • August 3, 1997: The murder of an Arab in the S. Chevron Hills area
  • June 8, 1997: The murder of an Arab taxi driver

(YWN ? Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Liriano's return to Twins' rotation a big hit


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 3:15 p.m. ET May 30, 2012

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Francisco Liriano's return to the Minnesota rotation was a rousing success, with six shutout innings by the vexing left-hander Wednesday to lead the Twins to a 4-0 victory over the Oakland Athletics, their eighth straight loss.

Liriano (1-5) retired the last 11 batters he faced and struck out nine, the most this season by any Twins pitcher. He allowed only two walks with a double and two singles against the worst-hitting team in the majors that brought a brutal .212 batting average into the game.

Josh Willingham had an RBI single and a two-run homer, roughly 15 hours after his three-run shot in the ninth gave the Twins a dramatic win the night before. This was their first sweep of both a home series and a three-game set this season.

Tyson Ross (2-6) lasted only five innings for the A's, who have lost 12 of their last 15 games and are batting .172 during the skid. Ten times in that stretch, they've scored two runs or fewer.

Ross has lost six of his last seven starts with a 7.34 ERA over that span, and he has the highest opponent batting average in baseball for a minimum of 40 innings at .337.

The right-hander was in trouble right away with a leadoff double by Denard Span. Joe Mauer walked, and Willingham followed with a sharp single. Brian Dozier drove in another run with a single of his own.

After Mauer walked for the third time, in the fifth inning, Willingham hit a no-doubter to the back of the second deck above left field for his 10th home run this year.

Liriano's first six starts were so bad he was put in the bullpen to fix his mind and his mechanics, and his last relief appearance Friday was rough, too - five hits, four runs and two walks in 2 2-3 innings against the Detroit Tigers.

The Twins had little choice but to put him back as a starter. Triple-A call-ups Scott Diamond and P.J. Walters have helped stabilize the situation, but the rotation has by far the highest collective ERA in the majors.

For at least one afternoon, Liriano offered some hope - or, perhaps more relevantly, summer trade value. Pitching coach Rick Anderson paid him a visit on the mound after he threw three straight balls to Jonny Gomes in the third inning, but Liriano got back to business and struck the designated hitter out.

NOTES: A's manager Bob Melvin said OF Yoenis Cespedes is still on track to join the team Friday in Kansas City to face the Royals. LF Collin Cowgill, however, would be a "difficult send-down," Melvin said. The manager likes his energy. Cowgill is 8 for 14 over his last four games. ... Willingham's shot on Tuesday was the first time since Kirby Puckett in 1995 that the Twins hit a walk-off homer to erase a deficit of two or more runs, according to the Elias Sports Bureau.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Liriano's return to Twins' rotation a big hit

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Francisco Liriano's return to the Minnesota rotation was a rousing success, with six shutout innings by the vexing left-hander Wednesday to lead the Twins to a 4-0 victory over the Oakland Athletics, their eighth straight loss.

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Monti wants Italian football halted for 2-3 years


Associated Press

Associated Press Sports

updated 11:22 a.m. ET May 29, 2012

ROME (AP) -Premier Mario Monti suggested Tuesday that Italian football should be suspended for two to three years after the latest match-fixing scandal rocked the national team and tarnished the image of the domestic game yet again just a week before the start of the European Championship.

Dawn raids on Monday resulted in 14 arrests - including Lazio captain Stefano Mauri - to bring the total number of suspects arrested in the match-fixing probe to about 50 since last year. Many more have been placed under investigation.

"Football should be stopped for two to three years," Monti said on Tuesday in a powerful message to Italy's football authorities on the need to clean up the game. "It is not a proposal by the government but a question I am asking as someone who was passionate when football was still football."

Monti made the comments while standing beside the prime minister of Poland, which is co-hosting Euro 2012 with Ukraine starting June 8.

"I'm not making a proposal, and even less is it a proposal that comes from the government, but it's a desire that sometimes I feel inside me: that it would really benefit the maturity of us Italian citizens if this game was completely suspended for two to three years," he said.

He also ruled out the use of public money to bail out football teams in difficulty.

Police swept through the Italian national squad's training camp near Florence on Monday as part of the operation and Italy defender Domenico Criscito was left out of the Euro 2012 squad after he was placed under investigation.

Antonio Conte, who coached Juventus to the Serie A title this term, was also officially notified that he is under investigation for alleged wrongdoing while in charge of Siena in 2010-2011.

Apart from those arrested Monday, three people have been placed under house arrest and two others are to present themselves to authorities. Five of the arrests were made in Hungary.

Numerous others have had their houses searched, including Chievo Verona striker Sergio Pellissier as well as Conte and Criscito.

The investigation was started by judicial authorities in Cremona last year. It has resulted in former Atalanta captain Cristiano Doni being banned from football for three and a half years, and the arrest of former Lazio captain Giuseppe Signori.

Serie A clubs Atalanta, Novara and Siena were among the 22 Italian teams notified at the beginning of this month that they are being investigated by sports authorities.

Prosecutors in Cremona have detailed an extensive match-fixing ring stretching as far as Singapore and South America that was allegedly in operation for more than 10 years.

Italy has only recently recovered from the 2006 match-fixing scandal - known as Calciopoli - that resulted in Juventus being relegated to Serie B for a season, plus points penalties for several other Serie A teams and lengthy bans for club and refereeing officials.

The Italian national team reacted in the best possible way, winning the World Cup later that year.


AP Sports Writer Daniella Matar in Milan contributed to this report.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Radioactive bluefin tuna crossed the Pacific to US

FILE - This March 5, 2007 file photo shows workers harvesting bluefin tuna from Maricultura's tuna pens near Ensenada, Mexico. New research found increased levels of radiation in Pacific bluefin tuna caught off the coast of Southern California. Scientists said the radiation found in the fish came from Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant that was crippled by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. (AP Photo/Chris Park, File)

FILE - This March 5, 2007 file photo shows workers harvesting bluefin tuna from Maricultura's tuna pens near Ensenada, Mexico. New research found increased levels of radiation in Pacific bluefin tuna caught off the coast of Southern California. Scientists said the radiation found in the fish came from Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant that was crippled by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. (AP Photo/Chris Park, File)

(AP) ? Across the vast Pacific, the mighty bluefin tuna carried radioactive contamination that leaked from Japan's crippled nuclear plant to the shores of the United States 6,000 miles away ? the first time a huge migrating fish has been shown to carry radioactivity such a distance.

"We were frankly kind of startled," said Nicholas Fisher, one of the researchers reporting the findings online Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The levels of radioactive cesium were 10 times higher than the amount measured in tuna off the California coast in previous years. But even so, that's still far below safe-to-eat limits set by the U.S. and Japanese governments.

Previously, smaller fish and plankton were found with elevated levels of radiation in Japanese waters after a magnitude-9 earthquake in March 2011 triggered a tsunami that badly damaged the Fukushima Dai-ichi reactors.

But scientists did not expect the nuclear fallout to linger in huge fish that sail the world because such fish can metabolize and shed radioactive substances.

One of the largest and speediest fish, Pacific bluefin tuna can grow to 10 feet and weigh more than 1,000 pounds. They spawn off the Japan coast and swim east at breakneck speed to school in waters off California and the tip of Baja California, Mexico.

Five months after the Fukushima disaster, Fisher of Stony Brook University in New York and a team decided to test Pacific bluefin that were caught off the coast of San Diego. To their surprise, tissue samples from all 15 tuna captured contained levels of two radioactive substances ? ceisum-134 and cesium-137 ? that were higher than in previous catches.

To rule out the possibility that the radiation was carried by ocean currents or deposited in the sea through the atmosphere, the team also analyzed yellowfin tuna, found in the eastern Pacific, and bluefin that migrated to Southern California before the nuclear crisis. They found no trace of cesium-134 and only background levels of cesium-137 left over from nuclear weapons testing in the 1960s.

The results "are unequivocal. Fukushima was the source," said Ken Buesseler of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, who had no role in the research.

Bluefin tuna absorbed radioactive cesium from swimming in contaminated waters and feeding on contaminated prey such as krill and squid, the scientists said. As the predators made the journey east, they shed some of the radiation through metabolism and as they grew larger. Even so, they weren't able to completely flush out all the contamination from their system.

"That's a big ocean. To swim across it and still retain these radionuclides is pretty amazing," Fisher said.

Pacific bluefin tuna are prized in Japan where a thin slice of the tender red meat prepared as sushi can fetch $24 per piece at top Tokyo restaurants. Japanese consume 80 percent of the world's Pacific and Atlantic bluefin tuna.

The real test of how radioactivity affects tuna populations comes this summer when researchers planned to repeat the study with a larger number of samples. Bluefin tuna that journeyed last year were exposed to radiation for about a month. The upcoming travelers have been swimming in radioactive waters for a longer period. How this will affect concentrations of contamination remains to be seen.

Now that scientists know that bluefin tuna can transport radiation, they also want to track the movements of other migratory species including sea turtles, sharks and seabirds.





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Associated Press

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France, Australia, UK expel Syrian diplomats

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Japanese matriculation gifts: cash most popular recently published the results of a survey by goo Research into matriculation gifts,


Over the 8th and 9th of May 2012 1,062 members of the goo Research online monitor group completed a private internet-based questionnaire. 53.3% of the sample were male, 16.2% in their teens, 17.7% in their twenties, 21.7% in their thirties, 16.3% in their forties, 16.0% in their fifties, and 12.1% aged sixty or older.

I don?t think I ever got such a present myself, and I do find the whole concept of getting money for starting work rather odd!

Research results

Q1: Do you have anyone that you will give or have already given an entering school, entering the workforce, etc present to this spring? (Sample size=1,062)

Q1SQ1: For which events will you give or have you already given a present to this spring? (Sample size=321, multiple answer)

? Votes Percentage
Entering elementary school 95 29.6%
Entering middle school 70 21.8%
Entering high school 88 27.4%
Entering university, college (to SQ2) 65 20.2%
Entering work 57 17.8%

For children entering primary education, almost half (47 from 95) gave cash, then 21 people gave stationary goods, 17 people a book token, 16 people a school bag, and so on.

For children entering secondary education, tops was cash or book tokens, although mobile phones and smartphones also features.

Q1SQ2: What will you give or have you already given as a present for entering univeristy, college? (Sample size=65, multiple answer)

? Votes Percentage
Cash 41 63.1%
Book token 11 16.9%
Notebook computer 10 15.4%
Smartphone 5 7.7%
Books 5 7.7%
Watch, alarm clock, etc 3 4.6%
Standard mobile phone 2 3.1%
Desktop computer 2 3.1%
Games console, game software 1 1.5%
Ball pen, propelling pencil, etc 1 1.5%
Fountain pen 1 1.5%
Netbook 0 0.0%
Other 7 10.8%

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    Travel + Leisure: America's Worst-Dressed People (PHOTOS)

    When it comes to dress sense, what's worse: layer upon bulky layer of long underwear and puffy coats? Flashy, barely-there outfits? Or downright sloppiness?

    Travel + Leisure readers rated major destinations in categories including style for the annual America's Favorite Cities survey -- and the results confirm that city dwellers fall short of fashionable in myriad ways. But it's Anchorage that earned the dubious honor of No. 1 worst-dressed city in America.

    That's no surprise to Dr. Miriam Jones, a paleoclimatologist who has traveled in and out of Anchorage "too many times to count" during a two-year research stint.

    "It's not uncommon to see oversized parkas with fur-lined hoods and bunny boots," she says. "And people aren't alarmed when a person wearing a ski mask enters a room." In Alaska, she adds, men sport beards and flannel in the most unironic way possible: to keep frostbite at bay and their appendages attached.

    Dressing well certainly has an element of personal taste, and this survey is based on visitors' perceptions, not scientific fact. So, did T+L readers deem your city to be one of America's worst dressed? Read on to find out, and feel free to defend local fashions in the comments.

    -- Jessica Adamiak

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    • No. 10 Kansas City, MO

      America's No. 1 city for barbecue does not a fashionista make. Kansas City residents are among some of our nation's friendliest, and they can school anyone and everyone about the intricacies of grilling, but it looks like they're lost when it comes to putting together an outfit. <a href="" target="_hplink">See More of America's Worst-Dressed People</a> <em>Photo:</em> Ann Shields

    • No. 9 Phoenix/Scottsdale

      Here's a hint: if a city has a <a href="" target="_hplink">museum exhibit</a> dedicated to the bolo tie, it's not going to be fashion forward. The official neckwear of Arizona (yes, that's a thing) is enjoying a comeback. But sunny Phoenix made the top 10 for spring break destinations -- when attire is almost beside the point. <a href="" target="_hplink">See More of America's Worst-Dressed People</a> <em>Photo:</em> iStock

    • No. 8 Portland, ME

      With some of the most limited shopping options in America and one of its least diverse populations, Portland isn't where you come to try on cutting-edge clothing. But that's just fine because the city slays the competition in other areas, placing first in <em>five</em> survey categories, including best summer destination and best drivers. <a href="" target="_hplink">See More of America's Worst-Dressed People</a> <em>Photo:</em> Courtesy of Greater Portland Convention & Visitors Bureau

    • No. 7 Atlanta

      If the flashy reality-TV stars of The Real Housewives of Atlanta are at all indicative of how the rest of Atlanta dresses, it's no wonder our readers ranked it as America's No. 7 least-stylish city. Hotlanta has one of the highest per capita incomes of any southern city, but as the TV show illustrates and the saying goes: money can't buy taste. <a href="" target="_hplink">See More of America's Worst-Dressed People</a> <em>Photo:</em> iStock

    • No. 6 Dallas/Fort Worth

      Bigger seems to always be better in the Dallas/Fort Worth area; just take one look at the infamously over-the-top JumboTron at the Cowboys Stadium. And when it comes to getting dressed, big hair, conspicuous designer labels and slick snakeskin boots are the norm. "Less is more" is not a phrase heard round these parts. <a href="" target="_hplink">See More of America's Worst-Dressed People</a> <em>Photo:</em> iStock

    • No. 5 San Antonio, TX

      San Antonio is known for rodeos not runways. Take the famous San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, a three-week extravaganza at which you won't feel comfortable unless you're suited up in western attire -- from your head (one of those sweet hats) to your toes (cowboy boots). <a href="" target="_hplink">See More of America's Worst-Dressed People</a> <em>Photo:</em> Carol Barrington/SACVB

    • No. 4 Orlando

      Orlando was voted the No. 1 family vacation destination, so visitors were likely focused on people seen around the theme parks, which aren't exactly crowded with fashionistas -- enduring Disney World's winding lines in stilettos would be crazy. The city did win raves for its weather and variety of hotel options. <a href="" target="_hplink">See More of America's Worst-Dressed People</a> <em>Photo:</em> Ian Dagnall / Alamy

    • No. 3 Baltimore

      In a city judged to have fairly offbeat residents, there are bound to be questionable fashion choices. Case in point: the Baltimore Hons, a group of people who sport the '50s cat-eye-glasses look with gusto. Some visitors have their sights focused elsewhere, anyway, using Baltimore as a convenient, affordable base for day trips (ranked No. 12). <a href="" target="_hplink">See More of America's Worst-Dressed People</a> <em>Photo:</em> iStock

    • No. 2 Salt Lake City

      Voters rated Salt Lake City one of the top 10 quietest cities in the nation and praised it for affordability and cleanliness. But T+L readers didn't equate those squeaky-clean locals with fashion-forward ways -- perhaps because, male or female, there are only so many ways to rock a polo shirt. <a href="" target="_hplink">See More of America's Worst-Dressed People</a> <em>Photo:</em> Danita Delimont / Alamy

    • No. 1 Anchorage

      In chilly Anchorage, the dress code leans toward practicality rather than fashion, and many residents teeter through the streets bundled as tightly as Randy, the kid brother in "A Christmas Story." Fashion trends take longer to reach this hinterland, but travelers are happy to make the trek regardless -- especially in summer -- and rated the city No. 4 for peace and quiet. <a href="" target="_hplink">See More of America's Worst-Dressed People</a> <em>Photo:</em> Nigel Hicks / Alamy


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    Romney promises world's strongest military

    SAN DIEGO (AP) ? Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney promised Monday to maintain an American military "with no comparable power anywhere in the world."

    The likely Republican presidential nominee faced a San Diego crowd estimated at 5,000 in what was billed as a Memorial Day service paying tribute to the nation's war dead, not a campaign rally. The appearance came the day before Romney was expected to win enough delegates to claim his party's nomination, a formality that cements his status as President Barack Obama's general election opponent.

    Without naming his general election rival on Monday, Romney drew clear contrasts with Obama on the issue of defense.

    The Democratic president has proposed reducing the size of the military following the end of the U.S. combat role in Iraq and plans to remove troops from Afghanistan at the end of 2014.

    "We have two courses we can follow: One is to follow in the pathway of Europe, to shrink our military smaller and smaller to pay for our social needs," Romney said outside the city's Veterans Memorial Center and Museum. "The other is to commit to preserve America as the strongest military in the world, second to none, with no comparable power anywhere in the world."

    The White House and congressional Republicans have agreed to cut $487 billion in military spending over the next decade. Even with Obama's proposed cuts in the military budget, the U.S. would remain by far the world's dominant military power. The Pentagon's budget this year exceeds $600 billion. Closest rival China said this year its defense budget will top $100 billion for the first time, although the U.S. claims China spends twice as much.

    Across the country in Washington, Obama marked the solemn holiday with remembrances at Arlington National Cemetery, and later at the Vietnam War Memorial marking the 50th anniversary of U.S. involvement in Vietnam.

    He noted that for the first time in nine years "Americans are not fighting and dying in Iraq. After a decade under the dark cloud of war, we can see the light of the new day on the horizon."

    The candidates' comments underscored the political and practical effects the presidential contest could have on America's role in the world.

    A new Gallup survey found that veterans prefer Romney over Obama by a double-digit margin, 58 percent to 34 percent. That voting bloc, consisting mostly of older men, makes up 13 percent of the adult population.

    Obama won the presidency handily four years ago while losing veterans by 10 points to Sen. John McCain, a former Navy pilot. Neither Obama nor Romney served in the military. Romney, 65, did not serve in Vietnam. His campaign says he received deferments for his Mormon mission to France and academic studies. He later entered the draft, but his number was not called, a spokesman said. Obama, 50, was a child during the Vietnam conflict.

    In San Diego, Romney was joined by McCain, a Vietnam veteran who spent more than five years as a prisoner of war. McCain said that Romney, "I believe, is fully qualified to be commander in chief."

    Romney noted that he visited Afghanistan and Iraq during his term as Massachusetts governor. But he has limited foreign policy experience.

    Still, Romney has been critical of Obama's plans to reduce the military, in addition to the administration's policy toward Syria's handling of the uprising against President Bashar Assad's government.

    In a written statement Sunday, Romney said Obama "can no longer ignore calls from congressional leaders in both parties to take more assertive steps in Syria." Romney said the current approach has only given Syrian leaders more time to crackdown on protesters.

    World leaders blame the Syrian government for the weekend killing of more than 100 people, including 49 children and 34 women, following peaceful protests.

    "I wish I could tell you that the world is a safe place today. It is not," Romney said Monday, ticking off a list of threats including Iran, Pakistan, China, Russia, Venezuela and Mexican drug cartels. He did not mention Syria.

    He spoke a day before Texas voters were likely to give him enough delegates to formally clinch the Republican presidential nomination.

    Texas' Tuesday primary offers 152 delegates, and Romney is just 68 delegates shy of the 1,144 needed to become the nominee.

    Romney said Monday that America's military might is needed "not so that we just win wars, but so we can prevent wars."

    "A strong America is the best deterrent to war that has ever been invented," he said.

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    Questions Worth Asking About Advance Directives And Living Wills

    Stop wondering about what advance directives and living wills can do for you. Instead, seek out the answers for the very obvious questions that have been bugging you for so long now. And there?s no better way to start this quest than with good old definitions.

    What are Advance Directives and Living Wills?

    An advance directive instructs your attending physician about the type of care/treatment you would like to receive if you ever become unable to formulate decisions for yourself. Hospital personnel may talk to you about this stuff.

    Of course, you would certainly be approached with this kind of suggestion while you?re still well and able; otherwise your eligibility of making an advance directive would be forfeited by incapacitation, mental illness or terminal disease.

    An excellent advance directive specifically describes the type of medical treatment you wish to get depending on the gravity of your medical condition. For instance, the instructions may illustrate the kind and extent of care you want if you become diagnosed with an illness that is beyond any possibility of recovery. In addition, this document usually informs physicians of your objection against ? or approval for ?a certain types of treatment.

    Advance directives may come in various forms. The laws that regulate them are different in every state. Therefore, you need to be conscious of the laws in the state you live in.

    An advance directive, on the other hand, is a form of advance directive. This legally binding document describes the treatment or life-support measures you intend to receive in the untoward event of a terminal illness or irreversible coma.

    A living will may or may not let you appoint another person to decide on your behalf. The presence of this option is normally based on state-specific laws.

    Sometimes the most important aspects of a subject are not immediately obvious. Keep reading to get the complete picture.

    Why are they important?

    By making advance directives and living wills as early as possible, you are expressing you preferences with regard to medical treatment before you are faced with a severe injury or disease. Doing so will spare your family and friends the pressure of deciding what is really best for you. More often than not, the legal age qualified to make these documents is 18 years old.

    Seriously ill people are more likely to draw up these legal documents in advance. For instance, a person with a terminal cancer may write her wish not to be hooked to a respirator in case of a respiratory arrest. This act can lessen the patient?s suffering, promote his or her peace of mind, and increase control over his or her death.

    Then again, even if you?re still in an excellent health condition, you may want to think about making your own advance directive. Who knows for sure? You may encounter a terrible accident or unexpectedly collapse on your way to work. If you have thought of these possibilities and have decided to do the right thing, then you can rest assured that your wishes will be respected and implemented by your health care provider.

    How to make them?

    An advance directive and living will don?t necessarily have to be complex legal documents. They can simply be short statements concerning your health care preferences in case your ability to communicate is gone. Keep in mind that any request you write down should conform to the laws of your state.

    You can write these documents in a number of ways. First is by using a form that supplied by your physician. You may also put your requests in writing all by yourself. Aside from that, you also have the option to ask for the appropriate form from the health care department of your state.

    With the technology of the modern world, you may even get hold of free online living will forms. Some web sites also sell software packages for all types of legal documents.

    Then again, if you want to do it the traditional way, then you can confer with a lawyer who handles advance directives and living wills.

    Is there really any information about Living Wills that is nonessential? We all see things from different angles, so something relatively insignificant to one may be crucial to another.

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    Monday, May 28, 2012

    Tropical Storm Bud Pelts Mexico?s Pacific Coast

    PUERTO VALLARTA, Mexico -- Driving rain pelted Mexico's Pacific coast early Saturday as a weakened Tropical Storm Bud moved by a string of laid-back beach resorts and small mountain villages south of Puerto Vallarta.

    Emergency officials were on high alert for flooding and mudslides despite the storm's decreasing speed and power.

    The National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida, said that maximum sustained winds that were once blowing at 115 mph (185 kph) had slowed to 60 mph (95 kph) by Friday night. (...)

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    Oil prices rise on optimism about Greece

    Oil prices near $92 a barrel after weekend opinion polls show Greece's austerity parties could form a coalition. In London, oil prices move up nearly $1 a barrel.

    By Pablo Gorondi,?Associated Press / May 28, 2012

    Traders work in the oil options pit at the New York Mercantile Exchange last Thursday. Oil neared $92 a barrel in foreign trading Monday as hopes rose that Greece could stay in the eurozone.

    Richard Drew/AP/File


    Oil?rose to near $92 a barrel Monday as Greek polls suggested pro-austerity parties might win elections next month, raising the likelihood the country will stay in the euro common currency.

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    By early afternoon in Europe, benchmark?oil?for July delivery was up 97 cents to $91.83 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract rose 20 cents to settle at $90.86 in New York on Friday.

    In London, Brent crude for July delivery was up 96 cents at $107.79 per barrel on the ICE Futures exchange.

    Opinion polls published Sunday indicated two parties that favor implementing Greece's bailout programs could be able to form a coalition government. Greek politicians were unable to form a government after an election earlier this month, requiring new elections in June.

    Crude has dropped from $106 the first week of May amid fears a chaotic Greek exit from the euro would deepen economic malaise and weaken crude demand in Europe.

    Easing tensions over Iran nuclear program amid talks between Iran and six world powers have also helped lower?oil?prices, but analysts warned that it was too early to dismiss the risk factors.

    Iran and the international powers "remain as far apart as ever," according to energy consultants KBC in London. "So the situation remains clouded and the negotiators' position a tricky one. Inevitably the issue will run right down to the wire."

    Some analysts expect?oil?will linger near present?prices?until after the Greek vote, OPEC's quarterly meeting and the next round of Iran nuclear discussions all take place in mid-June.

    "Both European debt and Iranian nuclear issues are on something of a hold for another month," Barclays said in a report. "We would not expect the?oil?market to gain much of a sustained sense of direction" before those events.

    Markets are in the U.S. are closed Monday for the Memorial Day holiday.

    In other energy trading, heating?oil?was up 1.53 cents at $2.8482 per gallon and gasoline futures added 2.39 cents to $2.8556 per gallon. Natural gas fell 7.1 cents at $2.556 per 1,000 cubic feet.

    Alex Kennedy in Singapore contributed to this report.

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