Friday, April 6, 2012

Real Estate New Albany IN News You Can Use! | Kentuckiana ...

Real Estate New Albany IN Open ? design magazine ?r visit ? home improvement website ?nd they?ll extol th? virtues ?f repainting ?s ? great w?y t? freshen ? room?s decor.

But th?r? ?r? plenty ?f less labor-intensive ways t? g?v? ? room ? n?w look.

Fr?m paint accents t? n?w window treatments, h?r? ?r? s?m? ideas f?r upgrading your decor w?th ? lot less work:

* Easier painting tasks ? Wh?l? painting ? room ?s w?ll within th? capabilities ?f m?st homeowners, ?t c?n b? ? labor-intensive job. One w?y t? t?k? advantage ?f paint?s power wh?l? minimizing th? t?m? spent prepping walls ?nd taping trim ?s t? paint ? single accent wall. Th?s works especially w?ll ?f you?re starting ?ut w?th ? neutral palette ?n th? walls, wh?ch ?s often th? case ?f you?ve recently bought your home. Another effective, fast option ?s t? paint ?n? ?r two pieces ?f wood furniture t? add ? quick, easy pop ?f color t? ? room.

* Window treatments - Changing window treatments c?n b? ? powerful w?y t? g?v? ? room th? look ?f ? full facelift wh?l? altering ?nly ?n? design element. Consider venturing beyond simple drapes ?r sheers t? window treatments such ?s cellular shades th?t offer natural light control ?nd ? pop ?f color.

Products like Simple Fit custom cellular shades by Redi Shade m?k? achieving ? custom look easy w?th cordless positioning ?nd light filtering th?t create dramatic affects ?n ? room?s ambiance.? Th? honeycomb cellular fabric shades ?r? available ?n m?r? th?n 30 colors ?nd three styles th?t provide light-filtering, blackout ?nd privacy options.

Ev?n better, Simple Fit ?s designed f?r DIYers t? install ?n less th?n ? minute w?th?ut drills ?r brackets. Th? patented compression mount system means y?u c?n install th? shades w?th th? touch ?f ? button.? Learn m?r? ?t

* Update your accents - Accessories ?nd accents ?r? like jewelry f?r your room. Throw pillows, area rugs ?nd upholstery afford y?u th? opportunity t? add layers ?f interest w?th patterns, textures ?nd colors. Updating accents c?n h?lp create ? fresh n?w look f?r ? room, ?nd it?s ? great w?y t? add seasonal appeal t? your decor.

* Add ? mural - Designers ?nd homeowners h?v? used murals t? create drama ?nd interest ?n homes f?r centuries. But painting ? traditional mural ?s ? labor-intensive task th?t would challenge m?st DIYers. A wallpaper mural c?n b? ? much easier, faster option. Y?u c?n find ? w?d? selection ?f scenes ?nd patterns online, ?r y?u c?n ?v?n customize ? mural w?th your own original photos ?nd artwork. These murals ?r? easy t? install ?nd s?m? ?v?n cost less th?n $100.

* Declutter - H?w often d? w? spend t?m? ? ?nd money ? creating ? specific look f?r ? room, ?nly t? h?v? th? decor fade away into th? background behind th? clutter ?f everyday l?f?? Removing clutter ?s ?n? ?f th? fastest, easiest ?nd cost-free ways t? refresh th? w?y ? room looks. Decluttering allows ? room?s design t? shine thr?ugh ?nd c?n h?lp ?v?n th? m?st cramped space f??l larger ?nd m?r? welcoming.

W?th ? f?w simple, low-labor projects, it?s possible t? freshen your room?s decor quickly ?nd easily, turning redecorating into ? fast, fun ?nd rewarding project.

Real Estate New Albany IN News You Can Use!


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