Saturday, October 8, 2011

FBI searches landfill for clues in missing baby case (Reuters)

KANSAS CITY, Mo (Reuters) ? Investigators searched a landfill on Friday for clues in the disappearance of a 10-month-old Kansas City girl who was reported missing from her crib on Tuesday, FBI and police officials said.

Agents from the FBI searched the landfill in Shawnee, Kansas, on the outskirts of metropolitan Kansas City, said Bridget Patton, spokeswoman for the FBI in Kansas City.

"We are just looking for any clues, it's part of the investigation," Patton said. Agents had been at the landfill earlier in the week but wanted to search a second time, she said. The search ended on Friday afternoon but she would not say if agents recovered any evidence.

The FBI and police are investigating what may have happened to Lisa Irwin, and the landfill search came a day after Kansas City Police spokesman Steve Young said the girl's parents had stopped talking to detectives.

The father, Jeremy Irwin, said he and Lisa's mother, Deborah Bradley, were worn out from constant interrogation over the previous days.

Bradley has said she put the girl to bed about 10:30 p.m. on Monday, and Irwin said he found his daughter missing at about 4 a.m. on Tuesday when he returned from work. Both said their three cell phones were missing, making them unable to immediately call police.

On Friday, Bradley said on "The Today Show" that police told her she failed a voluntary lie detector test.

"They said that I failed, and I continue to say that's not possible because I don't know where she's at," Bradley said.

"I did not do this. They just kept saying I failed, I failed, and I said that's not possible. What do you say when someone tells you that, and you know you didn't do anything?"

Lisa's father said he would take a lie detector test if asked.

"I just couldn't take it anymore," Irwin said on "Good Morning America". "I told them I had to have a break." He said the couple was still doing everything possible to find Lisa.

Young did not give a police version of why he said the couple stopped cooperating. He had praised them in previous days for responding to all questions. He said on Thursday night that Irwin and Bradley were not suspects and that police still don't have a suspect.

The landfill that was searched on Friday is not near the family's home, but it accepts trash from a wide-ranging area, said Stacey Graves, a spokeswoman for the Kansas City Police Department.

The FBI's Patton said the landfill search was not necessarily the result of a tip but can be a routine part of such an investigation.

(Writing and reporting by Kevin Murphy; Editing by Mary Wisniewski and Cynthia Johnston)


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