Friday, July 22, 2011

What part of the brain is involved in writing, speaking and ...

Question by Kevz: What part of the brain is involved in writing, speaking and thinking?

Best answer:

Answer by Infoz
That?s a really vague question ? you can answer with ?cerebrum? (which includes both of the cerebral hemispheres), you can say ?cerebral cortex? (which is the outer layer of the brain and is responsible for the highest functions), you can say ?forebrain?, etc. Depends on how specific you have to be.
You can say ?frontal lobe? ? it?s involved in writing because it contains the motor cortex which is responsible for voluntary movement, it?s involved in speaking because it contains Broca?s Area which is responsible for speech production, and it?s involved in thinking because it contains the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for planning and decision making.

So I guess ?frontal lobe? would be your best bet.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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