Sunday, July 31, 2011

Republicans put off vote on debt limit (AP)

WASHINGTON ? An intensive endgame at hand, Republican leaders abruptly postponed a vote Thursday night on legislation to avert a threatened government default and slice federal spending by nearly $1 trillion.

"The votes obviously were not there," conceded Rep. David Dreier, R-Calif., after Speaker John Boehner and the leadership had spent hours trying to corral the support of rebellious conservatives.

The decision created fresh turmoil as divided government struggled to head off an unprecedented default that would leave the Treasury without the funds needed to pay all its bills. Administration officials say Tuesday is the deadline for Congress to act.

President Barack Obama has threatened to veto the House bill, and the White House taunted Republicans as they struggled.

"Another day wasted while the clock ticks, now is the time to compromise so we can solve this problem and reduce the deficit," tweeted communications director Dan Pfeiffer.

Senate Democrats stood by to scuttle the bill ? if it ever got them ? as a way of forcing Republicans to accept changes sought by Obama.

The first sign of trouble for the House's supporters occurred after hours of routine debate, when the GOP leadership suddenly halted work on the measure.

As the evening slipped by Boehner summoned a string of Republican critics of the bill to his office. Asked what he and the speaker had talked about, Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., said, "I think that's rather obvious. ... There's negotiations going on."

Based on public statements by lawmakers themselves, it appeared that five of some two dozen holdouts were from South Carolina. The state is also represented by Sen. Jim DeMint, who has solid ties to tea party groups and is a strong critic of compromising on the debt issue.

Others said conservatives wanted additional steps taken to try to ensure that a constitutional balanced-budget amendment would be sent to the states for ratification. As drafted, the legislation merely requires both houses of Congress to vote on the issue.

Another option under review was to wait for the Democratic-controlled Senate to pass legislation first, a reversal in Republican strategy that would increase Obama's leverage.

With the bill in limbo, a few first-term conservatives slipped into a small chapel a few paces down the hall from the Capitol Rotunda as they contemplated one of the most consequential votes of their careers.

Asked if he was seeking divine inspiration, Rep. Tim Scott, R-S.C., said that had already happened. "I was leaning no and now I am a no."

Many more congregated in the office of the chief GOP vote counter, California Rep. Kevin McCarthy, perhaps drawn to the 19 boxes of pizza that were rolled in. Boehner joined them but did not speak to reporters.

Earlier, Boehner had exuded optimism.

"Let's pass this bill and end the crisis," said the president's principal Republican antagonist in a new and contentious era of divided government. "It raises the debt limit and cuts government spending by a larger amount."

President Barack Obama has threatened to veto the measure, and in debate on the House floor, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida savaged it as a "Republican plan for default." She said the GOP hoped to "hold our economy hostage while forcing an ideological agenda" on the country.

Despite the sharp rhetoric, there were signs that gridlock might be giving way.

"Around here you've got to have deadlock before you have breakthrough," said Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D. "We're at that stage now."

Wall Street suffered fresh losses as Congress struggled to break its long gridlock. The Dow Jones industrial average was down for a fifth straight session.

The Treasury Department moved ahead with plans to hold its regular weekly auction of three-month and six-month securities on Monday. Yet officials offered no information on what steps would be taken if Congress failed to raise the nation's $14.3 trillion debt limit by the following day.

Administration officials have warned of potentially calamitous effects on the economy if the country defaults on its obligations ? a spike in interest rates, a plunge in stock markets and a tightening in the job market in a nation already struggling with unemployment over 9 percent.

White House press secretary Jay Carney outlined White House compromise terms: "significant deficit reduction, a mechanism by which Congress would take on the tough issues of tax reform and entitlement reform and a lifting of the debt ceiling beyond ... into 2013."

The last point loomed as the biggest obstacle.

The House bill cuts spending by $917 billion over a decade, principally by holding down costs for hundreds of government programs ranging from the Park Service to the Agriculture Department and foreign aid.

It also provides an immediate debt limit increase of $900 billion, which is less than half of the total needed to meet Obama's insistence that there be no replay of the current crisis in the heat of the 2012 election campaigns.

An additional $1.6 trillion in borrowing authority would be conditioned on passage of spending cuts of a greater amount.

The GOP bill's $917 billion in upfront spending cuts was trillions less than many tea party-backed rank-and-file Republican lawmakers wanted but a total that seemed nearly unimaginable when they took power in the House last winter with an agenda of reining in government. Numerous Republicans grumbled that the legislation didn't cut more deeply, and Boehner and the rest of the GOP leadership have spent their week cajoling reluctant conservatives to provide the votes needed to pass it.

Until evening, it appeared they were succeeding.

"It gives us a little bit of heartburn because it doesn't go big enough," said Rep. Sean Duffy, R-Wis., a first-term lawmaker who said he would vote for the bill as the best one available.

Another first-term Republican, Rep. Martha Roby of Alabama, said the bill was "far from perfect. But I don't have the luxury of writing the plan by myself, and neither does Speaker Boehner."

While the White House and Democrats objected to the House bill, they readied an alternative that contained similarities.

Drafted by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, it provides for $2.7 trillion in additional borrowing authority for the Treasury. It also calls for cuts of $2.2 trillion, including about $1 trillion in Pentagon savings that assume the end of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Even before the House voted, Reid served notice he would stage a vote to kill the legislation almost instantly.

"No Democrat will vote for a short-term Band-Aid that would put our economy at risk and put the nation back in this untenable situation a few short months from now," he said.


Associated Press writers Andrew Taylor, Donna Cassata, Stephen Ohlemacher, Larry Margasak, Martin Crutsinger, Charles Babington, Darlene Superville and Jim Kuhnhenn contributed to this report.


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Saturday, July 30, 2011

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United Coffee House (UCH) - Food, Decor, Ambience Et Al From a ...

If you were to try and sample everything that United Coffee House's (UCH) menu has to offer, it would simply take you a few years before you get around to doing that. One of the cities' oldest and most celebrated restaurants, United Coffee House has been in business since 1942 and while it's known for it's veritable Kona Coffee, more about it in a while, UCH serves some really exquisite dishes that you won't enjoy anywhere else.

United Coffee House (UCH) Location

Located in Connaught Place (CP) UCH doesn't really fall into the 'it's-on-the-way' category which pushes it really down the order of preference. UCH is one of those places that you need to make a conscious effort to go to, more so with parking and construction woes that dot CP. And once you make that effort be sure that it'd be more than worth it.

What to Eat at United Coffee House (UCH)

Sieving through the exhaustive menu you'd be confused to not only decide on the cuisines but with so much choice UCH has several exotic signature dishes like Chicken A'la Kiev (less than Rs. 550) described as a 'bomb shaped batter fried medallion filled with cheese, mushroom and Butter that have been favorites for over three decades. For years now now UCH has been serving Indian, European, Oriental and Modern Asian, Western and Mediterranean food and there is a little history attached to most of the dishes. Many of the recipes are so antiquated that it's the traditional method of preparing them which makes the food greater!

Even after reading the menu for a good 15 minutes the mind couldn't pick between the wildly intriguing Qubali Mugh (less than Rs. 500) a chef's special pistachio and coriander sauce concoction from the fabled North West Frontier Province and the classic Hampstead Fish N Chips (less than Rs. 550). The end of the menu that suggested sandwiches and other lite bites ended up saving the day and upon the waiter's suggestion the Melt American Sandwich (less than Rs 250) was given a shot. Jumbo slices of white bread grilled with a filling of sliced sausages and imported Cheddar served with old-fashioned potato wafers in a cone grill attached to the plate along with some coleslaw isn't a snack; this is meal unto itself.

Worth Appreciating about United Coffee House (UCH)

With it's subtle lighting, photographs of the glory days adorning the walls, UCH still manages to hold on to its classical identity without being overbearing. The waiters are a throwback on the olden days, they don't rush you and allow you to soak in UCH. There are regulars who don't even look at the menu; one of them ordered a three egg omelet in the middle of the afternoon and the other was sitting all by himself and sipping beer between generous servings of Masala Papad.

It's against this ambiance that you must order the Kona Coffee. A singular and incomparable house blend UCH's Kona (less than Rs. 70) is proudly poured from a humongous glass beaker that seems to have escaped from the chemistry lab of your memories. If you happen to be a coffee freak then sipping the strong filter coffee will pop up a million questions in your mind but the sheer full-bodied aromatic liquid would not let words escape your mouth!

A full meal or a snack or just a beverage, United Coffee House is a place where you can escape time... pity then that the people around you don't make the most of it.

United Coffee House, Connaught Place (CP), New Delhi India


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Friday, July 29, 2011

gaming industry: BCLC eyes mobile gaming - Online Gambling News

John Blaise
July 29, 2011
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PlayNow BCLCAfter a horrific start to its entry into the online gambling space, the British Columbia Lottery Corporation (BCLC) is now looking to maintain market share by diving into the mobile gaming app world.

B.C. was the first government in North America to jump into online gambling, and their flagship website boasts itself as ?B.C.?s only legal gambling website.?

What BCLC is starting to realize is that it?s not enough these days just to have online gaming site, if you want to compete and bark with the big dogs, you have to have a mobile presence.

As BC Local News reports, BCLC has issued a survey asking customers if they would use their mobile devices and smartphones to play lotteries, poker, casino games and sports betting.

Now did they really need a survey to check if people would like to be able to gamble more conveniently from a hand-held device or tablet? It?s a wasted survey, the answer is obvious, of course they do!

Despite the obvious direction the corporation needs to be headed, as BC Local News reports, a BCLC spokesperson said no decision has been made yet to proceed with mobile gambling.

Can't get enough Follow us on Twitter and Facebook, then you'll never miss out on the latest gaming industry news.

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It is not at all as hard as it seems

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So how do you be a disruptor and get people to notice your advertising? When a person is driving or at a laundry mat or at a fair or in a garden or at a store or even in their office, how can you get them to stop what they are doing and look at your advertising? Simple, just put your logo on advertising blimps and no matter where they may be, no matter what they are doing, they will stop and watch as that blimp passes by.


Advertising Blimps Get Your Business Noticed. is a post from: Advertising Balloons

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  1. Advertising Blimps for Small Business
  2. Promotions with Advertising Blimps
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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why the "Ugly Betty" Approach to Business Networking Doesn't Work ...

If you regularly go business networking have you noticed an increase in the number of events and the number of people new to networking?

And I think?many have been given this sort of advice?..

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and then they wonder why they don?t enjoy it and why it doesn?t work!

Have you encountered anyone using the ? Ugly Betty? approach recently?

If so, ?I?d love to hear how you ?responded and your tips for dealing with it.

Until next time,

with best wishes for your success,

Cath :)

Cath Daley

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I paid a 2% origination fee to a real estate investment company under a joint venture/consultative services agreement to find discounted pre construction property in which they bulk buy up to 30% of developers units at a 15% discount to initial retail price and sell to investors that would result in a built in initial high equity position, which could then be sold back on the market at a higher price to turn a profit when construction is completed in which both the real estate company and myself split the profits 70%/30%. The joint venture partnership agreement stipulates that at completion if subsequent buyer is not found, real estate company will come in and pay 6 months of mortgage costs. This 2% is paid when purchasing the property. Is this 2% fee deductible in the year it is paid as a miscellaneous expense or have to be added to cost basis to calculate capital gains when property is sold at completion?

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tips to Self Improvement and Personal Development ...

Self improvement PLR is definitely a large area to cover. You will find those who feel handful of motivation is it takes to improve their work situation there are others that have made a decision to work on changing behaviors. These are merely a few areas that are included in self improvement MRR. When someone says he has to search for a self improvement RR seminar, is there a very first thing that comes to the mind? The solution you allow to the question for you is most likely the to begin with you would begin on your road to self-improvement.

Self-improvement includes several areas; you can learn how to be a better person throughout by beginning in places you need it most. Slowly learning more details in the areas of life can help you gain confidence and allow you to on the road to self-improvement.

Here are some tips about the most frequent regions of personal growth that individuals frequently study:

Health- The bradenton area is common for those who feel they should make a alteration of that they feel. They learn how to treat themselves with more respect by eating properly and getting more exercise.

Education- Self-improvement in this area may include taking classes that teach you much more about an interest or interest, watching videos, reading books, likely to lectures, seminars as well as joining work groups.

Religion- Many people believe the best way to increase their life is by getting nearer to a higher being. This might include study, visiting different churches, mosques, temples, tabernacles and even planning to conferences to understand more about a greater power.

Family- Self-improvement of this type can sometimes include counseling, spending additional time together, and even taking family vacation.

Professional growth- this area includes taking special classes to gain experience and for that reason earn more, becoming certified in special regions of the job, opting for that promotion or increasingly associated with volunteer assignments.

The best way to begin your journey to self-improvement is always to choose the area which you feel you would most benefit from. If you think that the road to self-improvement starts with education you then decide how it?s you want to learn. Maybe you think a qualification can help you accomplish your goals- if that?s the case, then this is the place to begin.

If you are thinking about how you can enhance your personal life you will find books, videos, eBooks, seminars, webinars and many other sources which will help you on the road with a better and quality filled life.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Expert Puppy Pet Trainer Basics Online To Discipline Your K-9 ...

In accordance to the different commands that the puppy has to be trained to understand, the animal needs to be pre-conditioned. Besides training the puppy you may need to hire the services of an expert veterinarian, or someone who will provide regular advice on pets for better pet health as well as improving the pet lifestyle.

Learn more about your pet:

It is normal for a puppy to chew at things and growl at strangers or just about anyone who comes to your home. It may cry and bark all the time which is again normal, but you need to train it to stop! You will need to hire the services of an expert pet trainer and if you don?t find expert trainer options, then you will have to look up pet social networking sites where a lot of information of pet health and lifestyle is available. It is important to stick with the training of the puppy because it will surely worth it by the time the baby becomes an adult, which really doesn?t take more than a year.


Expert puppy pet trainer basics are offered by a number of online and offline training classes. You can crate train your puppy on your own and contrary to what meets the eye, it is not a cruel thing. Choose a leash which will keep the puppy close to you while taking it for a walk. With an extension leash you will not be able to control a newly adopted pup. The best way to begin is to start training the pup right away. Good habits can be taught to the puppy from birth. The social networking site for pet lovers provides a lot of information on training pets.

Easier to train than run behind:

One important tip to remember is to try and use short commands. Repeating the command each time the dog has to follow an instruction is very important. The tasks the dog has to do should be reinforced in such a way that the animal understands the importance of discipline in the home and relationship. If you have bought a pup from the pet rescue then too you may have to put in a bit of extra effort to train the puppy. It is easier to train the animal when small. Also important is to find expert veterinarian care to address the pet?s health. Just training the pet is not enough. You need to hire the services of an expert veterinarian whenever the pet does not feel well. A healthy pet will take to commands better.

Expert puppy pet trainer basics are offered by a number of training classes and at pet stores and kennels. If you have a friend referring the trainer, it can be one of the best options to consider. Many a times the trainers offer a guarantee, so you can take a look at the contract first. An open line of communication can be developed between the owner and the puppy by training it appropriately. There are a number of social networking sites for pets which provide you with a better understanding of pet symptoms, pet symptom diagnosis and expert pet advice to take the training to a whole new level.

There are no posts related to Expert Puppy Pet Trainer Basics Online To Discipline Your K-9.


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the science of black hair book review ? Afroniquely You

Home ? Hair ? the science of black hair book review

the science of black hair book review

Posted by:?afroniquely??? Tags:? book review??? Posted date:? July 25, 2011 ?|? No comment

It seems more and more, you can walk into any Barnes and Nobles, Borders (sad to see that they are going by the way) and just about any other bookstore and find a plethora of hair care books. I myself own a few books, most of which were either marketed to the natural community or to the relaxed hair community. But let?s face it, hair care is hair care. In the end, the principles are all the same. Coming across The Science of Black Hair was an awesome treat.

The Basis of the book:

This book serves to inform anyone of a black desent with the knowledge of their hair, it?s history, and a way to better care it and grow it longer and stronger and overall much healthier than ever before. Audrey Davis-Sivasothy, a well known and acclaimed published author since her days on Associated content sharing what were like crack candy for a kid on a good summer day, articles on every topic hair wise, as far as the mind could span.

While on Associated Content, her topics would be about Protein Balance and Moisture Balance in the hair, a key principle in maintaining the hair we have. Back when I first stumbled across those articles, I was a little hesistnat becuase it was written in mind for relaxed hair, but the principles seemed simple enough to work for my natural hair, and so it began, my journey with Audrey?s scientific approach to hair care.

Now in 2011, finally her much awaited book has arrived and after finally getting a chance to read it completely, I can only say this: IT IS A MUST HAVE ON EVERY SHELF!! The book simply seeks to do this: Teach you, show you and let you do!

What can be found in this book?

Across a total of 15 Chapters in the book, topics span from Scalp and Hair Structure, to Understanding Hair Growth and Damage, Textured (Black) Hair Properties and Principles, Regimen Building, Doing Product Selections, the acclaimed Protein and Moisture Balancing techniques, Coloring your hair, Relaxed hair, Natural Hair, Kids regimen, Total Hair and Health. Let?s just say it is chock full of information.

I think one of my fave topics was learning just exactly how my scalp is made up and functions in terms of hair care and as it?s own as a part of my body. With tons of diagrams and information, it?s easy to gather that our scalp is indeed a breathing ground for healthy hair.

Watch this Video for my review on the book and other works of Audrey related to hair:

Snippets of My favourite chapters:

I truly recommend this book to everyone. Very well worth the money and well worth the read. A big thank you to Audrey for putting a book like this on the market, targeting the ?black? community and not specified to just relaxed or natural hair. Thanks Audrey, for giving me a chance to review your awesome book!!.


Get your own copy here:


so tell me: have you read this book yet? plan to get it?


About the author
Sasha-Shae Shaw is a Visual Artist who is passionate about Natural Hair and it's care, Art and it's various forms, the world of beauty and fashion and her love for design. Follow up on the forum and check out the design services and portfolio, and always stay blessed and afroniquely you!
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Monday, July 25, 2011

Viggo Mortensen at home in first Argentine film (omg!)

TIGRE, Argentina (Reuters) - Oscar-nominated actor Viggo Mortensen, best known as Aragorn in the "Lord of the Rings" films, says he never felt as comfortable as he does now while shooting his first Argentine film in the country where he was raised.

The Danish-American actor lived until age 11 in Argentina, where he learned fluent Spanish and developed a fanatical devotion to the San Lorenzo soccer club. He returns often to the South American country, where he says he feels at home.

"I've been in lots of shoots, more than 40 movies, but I've never felt this comfortable," Mortensen told Reuters on the set of his new film, "Todos Tenemos un Plan" ("Everybody has a Plan").

"In 'Lord of the Rings' we were working together for years so there was a bond created. But very quickly I've had the same feeling here," he said, adding this was partly because the crew had to shoot for two months outdoors during the inclement Southern Hemisphere winter, which brought people together.

"But also because I was raised here. There are a lot of memories. I look around and the way people speak, talking to the crew each day, it's as if I were with my people," said Mortensen, who let a scruffy, salt-and-pepper beard grow for the film.

"Everybody has a Plan" tells the story of a middle-aged man who returns to the wooded islands along Argentina's Tigre river delta after a long absence. Desperate for a new start, he impersonates his late twin brother, only to discover that his sibling was part of a criminal gang.


Mortensen compared his latest work to other films about criminal underworlds including David Cronenberg's Oscar-nominated "A History of Violence" and "Eastern Promises," which earned him a best actor Oscar nomination.

Mortensen, who also paints, writes and co-owns publisher Perceval Press, is modest about his celebrity and well-known for his method-acting and zealous preparation for roles.

For "Lord of the Rings," he slept in Aragorn's cloak. For "Eastern Promises," where he plays a man with links to the Russian mob, he lived in St. Petersburg and the Urals to pick up a convincing Russian-accented English and gangster jargon.

In "Todos Tenemos un Plan," directed by Argentine newcomer Ana Piterbarg, Mortensen stars alongside Soledad Villamil and Javier Godino, best known for their roles in the crime drama "The Secret in Their Eyes," which won the Oscar for best foreign-language film last year.

"He's very deep in his way of preparing the character," Godino said, referring to Mortensen. "He's living in Tigre, he dresses like somebody from there and I admire this. He's an actor that connects with the character and he's a little crazy, crazy enough to play these characters that he plays."

Mortensen said his latest project has a small budget on a global scale but a big one for Argentina and huge potential for a country where he now hopes to return frequently for work.

"I had always wanted to shoot a film in Argentina," he said. "It's been a wonderful experience -- a real see the boats, the dogs, the Argentine winter, is beautiful."

(Reporting by Luis Andres Henao; Additional reporting by Kylie Stott)


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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Email Marketing 101 ? How To Troubleshoot ... - Internet Home Business

There are many ways to make your email marketing campaign successful, but when it comes down to improving the results, you will have to first work on building a strong foundation. You need to have some patience with the process because you first need to establish rapport, and then there are a few other suggestions you can follow.

It is not uncommon for an online business to need to speak with various ISPs and generally do some relationship building and make them aware of your business. The point that I want to make here is that your ISP is your friend, and you need to strengthen the bond you share, so that in the long run you?re able to get the most out of your email marketing. If you are list marketing using your own computer, then this is the situation in which you have to make sure everything is in order. This is why you may need to build a strong reputation with your ISP and benefit from your efforts. On the other hand, you need to prepare for anything including your ISP telling you they cannot help you with your particular concern ? it just all depends. A nice factor about Mass Profit Formula, is when many factors happen to be influenced.

Even if you?re running a business that is virtual, you need to show your prospects/customers that you?re real. There are a few different ways you can address this, but generally speaking let people see that you do have contact information that is not on the net. You never know who may choose to call you or even why, but it may happen. People these days are very careful about who they deal with through email, because of the growing amounts of spam mail hitting inboxes.

There has to a balance in your virtual and real business personality; give your prospects/customers a reason to believe in you and your service, and make it easy for them to respond back to your email without any doubts or confusion. Therefore, make sure you browse the following, Lifetime Video Profits, prior to you making a proper decision.

Before you send out your email to your list, send it to yourself for testing purposes. You want to be doubly sure that the emails are being delivered without any problems. You can use as many various email addresses as you want ? up to you. Of course you do not have to do this, but we highly recommend it for all the right reasons. Also, in the event you decide to go with HTML format, then that is another thing you can check with this. So, professional email marketers will take the time to get this part right, and that is why they are pros. It is quite essential that before you make a decision you know about Profit Insiders. Of course there is much more that could be said on the subject of troubleshooting email list marketing problems.

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Doctors better than patients at spotting skin cancer

Not only are doctors more likely to find melanoma than patients, but they tend to find them earlier, when they are easier to treat. That?s the finding of a study out this week in the Archives of Dermatology.

Researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City looked at the records of 394 patients, who had a total of 527 melanomas. In patients who had been treated at the hospital for at least three months, 82 percent of the melanomas were found by doctors, not patients. In new patients, 63 percent were found by doctors. Cancers found by doctors also tended to be thinner, meaning that they were not as advanced.

Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the U.S. While melanoma accounts for only 5 percent to 6 percent of skin cancers, it causes roughly 75 percent of skin-cancer related deaths. The survival rate for advanced-stage melanoma is low, so early detection is crucial.

Bottom line: It certainly pays to check your own skin for worrisome changes. See our tips for how to recognize melanoma, as well as other forms of skin cancer. But also periodically have a doctor give you the once over, too. Find out what should be included in a thorough screening. Finally, take steps to prevent skin cancer by limiting your time in the sun, wearing protective clothing such as a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, and using sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. See our updated Ratings of sunscreens.

The Impact of Physician Screening on Melanoma Detection [Archives of Dermatology]
Skin Cancer Facts [Skin Cancer Foundation]
Factors Associated With Physician Discovery of Early Melanoma in Middle-aged and Older Men [Archives of Dermatology]


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Friday, July 22, 2011

What part of the brain is involved in writing, speaking and ...

Question by Kevz: What part of the brain is involved in writing, speaking and thinking?

Best answer:

Answer by Infoz
That?s a really vague question ? you can answer with ?cerebrum? (which includes both of the cerebral hemispheres), you can say ?cerebral cortex? (which is the outer layer of the brain and is responsible for the highest functions), you can say ?forebrain?, etc. Depends on how specific you have to be.
You can say ?frontal lobe? ? it?s involved in writing because it contains the motor cortex which is responsible for voluntary movement, it?s involved in speaking because it contains Broca?s Area which is responsible for speech production, and it?s involved in thinking because it contains the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for planning and decision making.

So I guess ?frontal lobe? would be your best bet.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Canned Hunting: Sports afoul

Topic: The ultimate goal of sport "canned hunting", where people pay to kill an animal, which is usually docile and attracted by "leaders" in the customer places the weapon.

Ralph A. Saggiomo is a friendly guy, one would probably not mind sharing with a few beers with a few stories and nothing to discuss.

He grew up in one of the more remote rural parts of the country and is considered the same values ??as the colonists who lived inPennsylvania more than two centuries earlier. But he also lived in American cities. Since he was a Philadelphia firefighter for 33 years, the last in leadership positions.

After his retirement he moved back to his 75-acre family in Sayre, Pennsylvania, and continued his work in local civil society organizations to become president of both the Greater Valley Medical Emergency Services and the Sayre Business Association. It is a member of the Advisory Council of the Governor of Pennsylvania for hunting,Fishing and Conservation, and was president of the Pennsylvania Unified Sports, a group that claims nearly 20,000 members.

For 60 years, Ralph A. Saggiomo is proud of the fish and game dishes, large and small, were killed. The name of a native species, and it is probably shot, wounded or killed.

He says that he said was one of his most recent killing was a Dall sheep, the more likely it was a Texas Dall ram, a lucrative target for its thick curly horns. The sheep, aMouflon hybrid race and held, especially as the Dall sheep, native to the mountainous regions of Alaska and are looking to the northwest of Canada. Dall sheep are a challenge for experienced hunters for their ability to flee on steep mountain slopes. Texas Dall rams were domesticated, there is no such problems.

Whatever killed ? "dispatched" and "harvested" are the terms hunters prefer euphemism ? Saggiomo need go no longer than 3,000 miles to the subarcticMountains would be only about 50 miles from his home on Tioga Boar Hunting Preserve. Saggiomo days to kill, a gift from his family, was in a fenced area.

"It was a wonderful experience," Saggiomo said in Pennsylvania House Game and Fisheries Committee, who had a hearing equally remote Towanda, an hour's drive east of Tioga, not away from the mainstream media and in an area can be a lot of protesters to bring. The committee was to hear testimony in Towandaon a bill to ban what has become known as "canned hunting" for a few thousand dollars, Great White Hunters ? Complete Guide to rent, dogs and guns or bows -. go to a fenced area and shoot an exotic species. In most hunting-box, the animals were bred to be killed, have little fear of humans and are often attracted to a feeding place or driven towards the hunters, so to kill a narrow range. In some of the preserves ? Tioga've never used thisTechniques ? the animals are drugged or tied to stakes. Some of the "Big Five" on video undercover investigation by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Fund for Animals was incorporated declawed, placed in cages and then released, the animals were scared and not aggressive then killed a few feet to their prison, were killed some time in their cages.

Canned hunting attracted not only the ethics Asked celebrity-hunters do, but the ethical question asked as well. BetweenCelebrities who have participated in canned hunting, and hunters who mistakenly believe they are not cold-blooded murderers are Vice President Dick Cheney, who on several hunts, was where the killing was assured, and Troy Gentry, country-rock duo Montgomery Gentry.

In December 2003, Cheney and nine of his friends ? including former Naval Academy quarterback Roger Staubach and the Dallas Cowboys, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas), and some high-roller-TexasDonors of the party ? went to the exclusive Rolling Rock Club in Ligonier, Pennsylvania, about an hour east of Pittsburgh. The owners of country clubs have been as good hosts, published by the collar 500 domesticated pheasants and written up in the morning. Bird Dog and Retriever News reports that about 40 percent of all domesticated pheasants, if they do not-so-hunters or hunted or killed by predators within the first week after her release, starvation, about 75 percent die within oneMonth.

In Ligonier, the hunger was not a problem. A scout told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that Cheney alone killed about 70 of the 417 killed that day. In the afternoon, just after he raised a sweat, the good ole boys massacred dozens, perhaps hundreds, of equally tame mallards, which were lifted by hand and shoved in front of waiting shotguns for the massacre. Nobody gave guests, but by the time Cheney flew out of the area, the mallards were plucked and vacuum,according to the Post-Gazette, finances ready for the flight on the taxpayer Air Force 2 Not hold the pheasant hunting has, according to (Texas), Dallas Morning News, were donated to a local food bank. However, none of the participating bank pointed out that food, no one that preparing pheasant is awkward realizes, and that this donation, if it occurred, was probably more of a PR maneuver or tax deductions to justify their killing spree of community service.Even a "donation" to alleviate the reality that people kill in these non-challenging fenced, because they experience the thrill of killing a living animal, often mixed with the pure joy of dying as their prey. After a while, "the animals can see only the things to jump, he lives mainly clay, is a real attitude that I hate sports.

The owners of the club did not say in which country to go, if any, paid by Cheney Pot-Shot Safari, but otherexclusive country club / canned receive pay for each bird killed or duck. And the financial interests of the owner to ensure that there is an easy prey.

Even easier prey was a black bear named Cubby. In October 2004, Troy Gentry, who had paid about $ 4650, to tame the bear "preserve" a private in Sandstone, Minnesota, and then described, as if the bear was killed in the wild. There was also killed a video of "stalking" and the killing of the singer imagines himself to beExpert archer. There is no law against killing of animals if done on private property. But in August 2006, Gentry was to defend in federal court in order to prohibit a violation of the Lacey Act, the false identification of animals.

Senator Frank Lautenberg (DN.J.), to prohibit with 10 co-sponsors, killed retains a bill (S. 304) in February 2005 to the highway transportation of exotic animals for the purpose of being in her private. "There is nothing sporting orable, an animal that can not escape shoot, "said Lautenberg, when he introduced the bill, and said:" At a time when we try to reduce violence in our culture, Canned Hunting certainly a form of gratuitous brutality that do not belong in our society. "This bill is buried in the Senate Subcommittee on the Judiciary. A companion bill (HR 1688), in the House of Representatives Sam Farr (California) was introduced with 39 co-sponsors, is buried inSubcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security. Among the Republicans controlled Congress, is neither law, the Commission should leave.

To change for his part, President Bush, the Endangered Species Act so that the trophy hunting Americans, to kill the endangered species in other countries in the U.S. The proposal has its roots in the Safari Club International wants to introduce has its Political Action Committee, where some 800 thousand dollars in campaign contributions, mostlyRepublican candidates since 2000, according to a survey by the Humane Society of the United States. The plan has the support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, whose director was former deputy chief lobbyist for Safari Club before his appointment by Bush. He is now with the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

Many of the animals hunted in the box are surplus animals bought from dealers to buy the cast-off animals from zoos and circuses, the animalsPreserves are often elderly and arthritic sold. Bought dozens of canned black bears, zebras, giraffes, lions, boars, and almost every species can wish the customer only to kill just to be photographed, and then skinned, stuffed and mounted. Sheep Ralph Saggiomo can come from a breeder in Missouri. The owner of Tioga, Saggiomo said, "they were friendly, helpful and humane."

The "rights" are the owners of family-Gee, which is their "business" of the opinionreally a private farm. As those that grow alfalfa and corn. A 1550-acre private farm ? to do with a fenced area of ??approximately 150 acres that "failed" more likely. And while the people "from all parts of the world" are killing the animals at Tioga, the company provides "farm" significant "economic benefits" for the community, said Michael Gee. There are 14 farms in Pennsylvania and about 1,000 in the nation, that the owners believe they are ambassadors for the industry and commerce andsure, the Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service.

This "farm", mainly according to their website, "is characterized by a high success rate hunting, hunting on the young man, hunting with dogs, guided hunts, trophy hunts, Sunday hunting ? basically any kind of big game, that you can imagine. "Whatever" you can imagine "costs $ 70 per day for room and board, plus a kill fee and additional costs for skinning and mounting. Pay $ 595 andTexas Dall ram you can kill, rocky mountain ram or ram. Buffalo are at least $ 1,250. Bull Moose come to $ 2,000. And if you have trouble killing one of the nation's 30 million white-tailed deer ? arrived at the bow, crossbow, muzzleloader, shotgun, rifle or seasons, only in Tioga ? 1.6 million of them in Pennsylvania alone. For $ 1,000 "to" You can use the hard dollars, with 10 points for mounting the rack very own trophy room in suburban America. TiogaPrices are the lowest level of the scale. Retained in others, the prices for white-tailed deer, with trophy-size racks, more than $ 5,000. The cost of some of the exotic "trophy" class animals, usually found only in sub-Saharan Africa are well over $ 15,000.

Tioga, like most preserves, guarantees a kill. Customers are told that "can go as long as you want until you know what you want." No hunting license is required, there are no limits, Sunday hunting isallowed, and "kills usually from 25-100 meters." These "farm" also tells potential customers, "wild goat and sheep with big horns are numerous. Hunting them is great sport for the hunter." The Rocky Mountain ram, with "their big horns, wide-rolled, in order to make a big trophy," Gee says the family prospects. Of course there are some limitations. No one under 10 is allowed to shoot.

Heidi Prescott, undoubtedly feel like a peace activistin an agreement on military recruiters, was the only House committee at the meeting who are not fish, hunt, or had close links with industry on the hunt. Prescott is vice-president of the Humane Society of the States United as a percentage of has 9.5 million, more than three times as high as the National Rifle Association. Prescott showed members of the Committee for Communications and a separate undercover video shot inside the box. Before the hearing, Michael Geesaid a local newspaper that animal welfare organizations "are just trying to get an extreme case to prove their point," and use it as a "milestone" to ban hunting. "If you say what is in this video from Tioga, which is a lie: "Hey Pete, Michael's father, said the undercover investigation by Emmy-winning investigative reporter Melanie Alnwick of WTTG-TV (Fox News), Washington, DC The news story ? but not the video of the brutal killing of a boar, probably in another Game ReservePennsylvania ? was filmed in early May 2006 in Tioga, according to Aaron Wisch, WTTG executive producer for special projects.

The majority of "kills" on "farms" of animals bleeding. Animals suffer from minutes to hours, says Prescott. Canned Hunting, says Prescott, "is about as sporting as shooting a puppy in the pet store window." Most sportsmen agree with you. The concept of "fair chase" is embedded in the culture of hunters. Boone & Crockett Club and Pope and YoungClub (Bowhunters), two of the three major organizations that speed kills trophy, it refuses to allow applications for people to accept their "trophy" hunting grounds bagged. The Safari Club is to enable people to search for recognition, but only under the restriction that can meet the most canned food.

The committee members were not convinced that Canned Hunting should be banned. Rep. Tina Puckett (R-Towanda) told a reporter before the hearing she believed Ban Canned Hunting"It could be the beginning of an attempt to keep saying no to hunting," his then leads to no hunting. "He said he would favor the bill" because of this down-the-road concerns. "Rep. Thomas Corrigan (D-Bucks County) says he introduced the bill, the 38 co-sponsors, contributes to the investigation because the canned hunting is" unsporting, cruel, and the image of hunters. "

The House Committee kept throwing pointed questions to Prescott, they beat them sentback.

The bill prohibits Canned Hunting was also the first step to eliminate all hunting. Not so, said Prescott. Of the 22 states that already ban such practices, "the culture of hunting is still going strong." He pointed to Montana, has one of the nation's strong hunting cultures. In 2000, after a hunter-led initiative to ban the first state to hunt in the box, strengthening the values ??of true sportsmen who believe in a fairHunting.

Would prohibit the state from 900 deer and elk farms. The bill specifically excludes deer, elk, deer and all the others.

The bill prohibits farmers or butchers kill animals for food. "No judge in their right mind interprets it that way," said Prescott, the Humane Society, said: "happy with representatives of labor to change it, if the members were very concerned."

Ralph Saggiomo published after his official biography ofGovernor Advisory Council for Hunting, Fishing and Conservation, has a "love for nature," and has "spent most of his life enjoying the outdoors and was able to convey his passion to all his children to be successful hunters, fishermen and hunters. have his grandchildren are now carrying on the tradition that his father and grandfather passed to him. "Although still active in the Pennsylvania Unified Sports, if Saggiomo was a sportsman,would not shoot a pet that was caught in his sight and had no escape route. If he truly understand the beauty and majesty of nature, would the animals have their lives without the intrusion of people who live not to kill them for food or clothing, but because their hormones are the "infused with ecstasy, which they of killing and The resulting "trophy", which says it now hangs in his den.

[Walter Brasch books are the current U.S. Patriotic Act: l 'Government Federal constitutional and civil rights violations and "unacceptable": The federal response to Hurricane Katrina. Both are available through and other online sources available. You may contact Dr. Brasch at or through his website, Readers may also wish to register do Burros Fly:. Cleveland Amory, Animal Rights Pioneer, by Julie Hoffman Marshall]


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Thursday, July 21, 2011

ESPN Star launches HD sports channels in India

ESPN HD and Star Cricket HD have been unveiled, expanding ESS?s portfolio to five channels in India, with ESPN, Star Cricket and Star Sports already on offer. The India national cricket team?s tour of England will be the first premier event to be aired live on Star Cricket HD from July 21, with the channel also set to broadcast Champions League T20 action and cover India?s tour of Australia.

ESPN HD will showcase Formula One action from the Hungarian Grand Prix on July 31 as well as the GP2 Series and other events such as US Senior Open golf and Major League Baseball in July. In August, ESPN HD will kick off coverage of the 2011-12 Barclays Premier League season.

?It continues to be our aim to enhance the experience of sports fans,? said ESS managing director Manu Sawhney. ?The launch of ESPN HD and Star Cricket HD is yet another milestone in sports broadcasting and demonstrates our commitment to continue serving the fans by offering them the most enriching and engaging experience with the finest line-up of sports content in unparalleled image and sound quality.?

Sawhney added: ?We see huge potential for the HD channels in India and have received a very positive and encouraging response from advertisers and platform operators as we continue to set new industry benchmarks. We have a very exciting calendar of events ahead of us and with the launch of these two 24-seven, high-definition sports networks, Indian sports fans can look forward to a completely new way of enjoying sports.?

ESPN HD and Star Cricket HD will be available on Videocon D2H platforms and Star Cricket HD will be available on Tata Sky with immediate effect. Across the Asian region, ESS now has 25 networks covering 24 countries and reaches out to more than 300 million sports fans.


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